
Reconcile GL Accounts



  • Sean Tame

    Can this article please be updated to include details on how to add the Reconciliation ID?


  • Michael Archer


    We had a user make a mistake using this module and I used the new unreconcile multiple items. I now have a variance between all unreconciled items in the GL transaction inquiry view and the GL Inquiry view by those amounts.

    GL Transaction inquiry - no period filter, filtered on GL account number. When I set the reconciled flag to "Yes" - grand total shows $0, When I set the reconciled flag to "No" or blank (i.e. returning Yes & No), my grand total is different to the balance in the GL inquiry.

    Is there something that could be causing this outage?


  • Irene Tjandrasa

    Hi Michael,

    What version are you on? And if you dont mind can you provide more detail steps, I tried to recreate this on our sample site but i wasnt able to. 


  • Stacey Hurley

    Hello, can this article be updated to advise what Momentus is matching during the Auto Reconcile process? For example is it looking only at matching amounts or is is also validating against the customer account or event? 

  • Linda Moyer

    Stacey Hurley Absolutely! I've got a question out to our product team for the information.

  • Linda Moyer

    Stacey Hurley The article has been updated! Per the product team the system will look at the customer account code and the event ID to see where entries net to zero.

  • Stacey Hurley

    Thank you Linda Moyer

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