
Consolidate Payment Plan Steps



  • Sean Tame

    Similar to this requirement, is there a way to ensure a PP step is due prior to the event date?

    Scenario is that I have a PP with step 1 being due 14 days from Order Date (today).  If I get an event within say 7 days of the event, can I make step one due date prior to the event?

  • Mario Silva


    Hi Sean,

    If you are using the Order Date to calculate the Due Date of the invoice, the system will not take the event start date into consideration in this calculation, i.e. the due date of the invoice could possibly fall after the start date of the event. There is no parameter that currently controls this. 

    The users could either use the Event Start Date in the payment schedule to calculate the due date of the invoice or manually adjust the due date of the PP step to reflect the event start date on occasions where there is a short lead time. 




  • Hi Sean, have you considered a SQL trigger? There is also a webhook available for "Payment Plan Updated" which may be helpful. 

    Clearly not an ideal solution, but until the core product offers this functionality you may wish to consider such a workaround.

  • Sean Tame

    Hi Lee,

    I personally love triggers to 'correct' or ensure accurate data entry as there is precious little sys admin control over rogue data.  However it Is not something I tend to recommend to my clients due to the issues with support and visibility of changes at the DB level.

    But thanks for the perspective and info on Web Hooks.


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