
GL Account Security 1, 2 and 3



  • Sean Tame

    It is also worth mentioning that you should review the setting of Org Parm GL160:

    This parameter is used to indicate when the behavior of the GL Security Code access privileges. 

    By default, a user must have access to all security codes enabled and attached to an account in order to view this account in inquiries and use the account in source transactions (e.g. purchasing). Leave the parameter blank if this is the desired behavior.

    If the organization wishes to grant access to an account to a user that has access to ANY security code on the account, enter ANY in the alphanumeric value.  When this value is entered, a user will have access to any account that has a security code to which they have been granted access.  If a user is not assigned to one of the GL Security privileges, the user will NOT be restricted from other accounts that have security codes to which they do have access. 

    **NOTE:  When this parameter is set to ANY and a user is assigned to all details of any of the security privileges, this will grant the user access to ALL general ledger accounts, regardless of the other GL Security privilege settings.

  • Sean Tame

    In the 'Allow Access to GL Accounts by GL Security' there is an option to select a 'View' checkbox.  Can you please explain what restrictions are in place when a user/role only has View access turned on?


  • Sean Tame

    Can you please advise what the phrase "Additional control allows users to be given view only access." means?  I cannot find any information on the implications of setting someone's access to View only.  What I was hoping for was that they can 'View' the GL Code in order to select for  POs but they cannot approve POs to the account (unless there is another way to do that?)

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Sean,

    Apologies for never responding - I just saw these questions as I was doing some content review.  I will get you these answers ASAP.


  • Maggie U.

    Hi Sean,

    Using View Only will prevent a user from modifying budget values for the GL account but will allow them to view it.  It doesn't have any impact in other areas of the system.




  • Sean Tame

    Thanks Maggie - not sure how this could be useful.  Could I suggest that it also controls the approval of POs?  (Eg, view/access the GL but not be able to 'transact' against it)

    It is very common for people to be able to do the data entry of POs on behalf of others.  In these cases we need to give them full GL access to many codes.  Typically these same people can approve POs on a sub-set of GL accounts (therefore they have level 9 PO approval access).  If we could allow them to code POs to the GLs but not have approval access to those GLs, then we can give them the task of entering the PO while delegating the approval to the true GL code owner.

    Effectively they can use the GL but not post to it.

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