You can keep booking start and end dates and times in sync with the event start and end dates and times. You must have organization parameter BK 026 active to keep start and end times in sync. When this parameter is active, you must have the event start date and the booking start date in sync with each other for the booking start date to automatically update to the new event start date. If the event start date and the booking start date do not originally match, the booking start date does not update when the event start date changes. The same applies to the event end date and time fields.
To activate this organization parameter:
- Click the Organization Parameters link from the Main Menu. The Organization Parameters screen opens.
- Locate organization parameter BK (application) 026 (code).
- Select the organization parameter.
- Right-click and select Edit. The Edit Organization Parameter screen opens.
- Enter Y into the Value field.
- Click OK.
I tried doing this today, but could not find BK 26 on the list of parameters. Tried adding, however, still does not update. Please advise. Thanks!
When adding the organization parameter, verify that you are using 026 for the code and not 26. The system won't recognize the 26 as a valid code for the parameter. Once you enter that, the organization parameter description should auto fill so you know that the system recognizes it.
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