
Bookings with the Daily Check Box



  • Michelle Pradel

    is there a way to set this checkbox to be on by default


  • Fabienne Mannherz

    Hi Michelle,

    there is an organization parameter: "BK085 Serial Booking Flag" that defines the default for the daily/serial bookings

    Hope this helps!


  • Michelle Pradel

    Thanks Fabienne


  • Samantha Huang

    Thank you Fabienne that I know how to re-enable this feature after the upgrade.

    However, we found the display difference after checking this "Daily" check box.

    Before, if we checked Daily box, the bookings would be split into separate Daily bookings as the user guide shown below -

    But now, even user checks the Daily check box on the Pending Bookings section on the Booking Calendar, the booking become one single booking as shown below - 


    Is this the setting issue? that we can set to come separate daily bookings as before?

    Thank you in advance!


    Best Regards,


  • Mark Fingerhut

    Hi Samantha - we did some rework in how the Daily checkbox works when booking events. There is a new right click action from the pending bookings and bookings grid called Split By Day. Selecting this action on a booking that spans multiple days will create separate booking lines for each day. 

    We will update the above article with more complete information shortly. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. 

  • Samantha Huang

    Hello Mark,

    Thank you! and we can have this feature again, as it's useful for us to count the daily booking rates for reporting.

    Best Regards,

  • Missy Ivan

    @...  it is a real shame and annoying UB needed to rework this functionality.

    Daily checkbox was functional and quick as you were able to edit multiple at one time.

    Please bring it back! 

    There are now too many extra steps / clicks for users to split each row daily at a time.  I tried highlighting multiple rows, right click for split by day however there is no option.  Is there a way to do on bulk?

    If it is not possible to have the daily tickbox working again then at minimum please provide the split by day in the  edit multiple.  

  • Missy Ivan

    @...  cc: @...

    Hi Mark, have you had the opportunity to raise this with anyone at HQ as yet ?



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