
Add and Manage Bookings



  • EMS Support

    Hi could you please let us know if we add a booking/modify a booking will the same be reflected in functions also?

  • Maggie U.


    If you have your booking and functions linked through the Booking Link column on the Functions screen, then modifying a booking will update the function it is linked with. When creating a new booking, if you check the Create Function checkbox, then a function will be created for that booking and they will be automatically linked so any changes to the booking will be reflected in the function.

    Hope that helps!


  • joe

    Is there a way to edit multiple spaces at one time? When I select edit multiple there is no option to edit the space for the multiple bookings, only start/end time, date, etc. Or is there another way to do it. Thank you!

  • Carrie Spalding

    Joe, are you coming in from the Event or from the Space Master?



  • joe

    I would be coming in from the actual edit event page.

  • Barbara Key

    Hi Joe,

    editing multiple spaces to actually exchange one space for another is not possible. You would have to change the space description for each one or remove them entirely and add them again.


  • Lisa Claassen

    In V20 is there a way that you can edit multiple booking rates? For example in V19 we could copy and paste but in V20 that doesn't seem to work.


  • Maggie U.

    Hi Lisa,

    There currently is not a way to edit multiple booking rates.  Our Product Management Team does have this on their roadmap to add the Rate field to the Edit Multiple Bookings screen in the next 6 months.


  • Kate Rooney

    I've been asked by many people at the ROH whether they can use the tool 'edit multiple' in the daily bookings tab of the navigation bar? I know you can do it in the events window, but it doesn't seem to work in the daily bookings window?

    Any advice would be much appreciated.



  • Wendy Thompson

    Hi Kate,

    Edit Multiple Bookings is not an option in the Daily Bookings window.

    You can use this feature in the Bookings window opened from the Main Menu as long as the bookings are within the same event.  We do not support Edit Multiple Bookings across different events. 

    You could add the Bookings window to the Global Navigation bar using Global Navigation Customization so the users don't have to go to the Main Menu to access it.

    Wendy Thompson

    Senior Quality Engineer

  • Moriah Kimmer


    I read the trail above.  It looks like it wasn't an option 3 years ago, but wondering if this has changed.  Is there a way now to edit multiple spaces while in the bookings tab under edit event.  Trying to exchange one space for another. 

    Thanks for your help!

  • Ken Treadway


    Thank you for your note.  At this time, it is not possible to change a number of spaces via some type of Edit Multiple action.  If a space has only one space booked, the "Move Event" option from the Calendar or the Event listing will work to move all bookings from one location to another.  If you have multiple spaces booked on an event, the recommended way to do this is still to change each space.

  • Wendy Thompson

    In v30 you will have the option to change the Spaces on one booking row, and then Copy that Space cell and Paste it to multiple booking rows within the same event.  You will also be able to do this with the Rate field (Rate must be applicable to all selected bookings), and the other editable fields on Bookings, as well as on Functions!

  • Abbey Cleaver

    Hi, I have followed all necessary steps needed to modify a specific booking/function description and time slot However, the details in the actual event registration form have not been updated. These details are linked to the function. How can we update this? Thanks. 

  • Sam Wilson

    Hi Abbey,

    Once functions have been added to Registration Setup any changes to the description, dates, or times must be made from the Registration Setup window. Any changes made to the function from the Functions tab within the event will not be reflected in registration.

    To edit this data for the function in registration follow these steps:

    1. Access the event.
    2. From the Tools menu, go to Registration, then select Registration Setup.
    3. Go to the Pricing tab and locate the Registration Functions table.
    4. Right-click on the function, then click Edit.
    5. Update the Description field. This is the description the registrant sees in the online form when selecting functions.
    6. Update the Item Description field. This is the description the registrant sees on the order summary page and that appears on invoices (if generated).
    7. Update the Start and End date/time fields, as needed.
    8. Click OK to save the changes.

    Note that if you are showing both the Description and Item Description fields in the Registration Functions table, you can change either of these fields directly on the table grid by double-clicking on the appropriate field. Editing the dates/times requires opening the Edit Registration Function window.



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