Venues use Enterprise Contracts to generate the space rental agreement for an event, which usually includes the spaces/bookings, booking rates, special terms/conditions, service orders and payment schedules. Contracts allows you to manage the contract from initial generation through execution, including revisions or addendums. You can also use DocuSign for electronic signatures for your contracts.
Add a Contract
- Click the Events link from the Main Menu. The Events page opens.
- Select the event for the contract.
- Right-click and select Edit. The Edit Event window opens.
- Select the Contracts tab.
- Click Add. The Add Contract window opens.
- Enter the necessary information:
- Contract - Unique code for the contract. If *AUTO displays, the code is automatically generated by the software. If *AUTO does not display, enter the code for the contract.
- Description - Description for the contract. Defaults to the account name.
- Account - Account responsible for the contract. Defaults to the event bill-to account.
- Contact - Contact at the customer organization responsible for the contract. Defaults to the event bill-to contact.
- Contract Rep - Person in your organization responsible for the contract. Defaults to the logged in user adding the contract.
- Status - Current status of the contract. The configuration of the status selected will determine the default entries for the date fields on the window.
- Type - Type of contract.
- Written Date - Date the contract is written. Defaults based on the Contract Status selected.
- Mailed Date - Date the contract is mailed to the account and/or contact. Defaults based on the Contract Status selected.
- Due Date - Date the contract is due back to your organization. Defaults based on the Contract Status selected.
- Decision Date - Expected date for a decision on the contract. Defaults based on the Contract Status selected.
- Signed Date - Date the contract is signed by the other party. Defaults based on the Contract Status selected.
- Payment Plan - Default payment plan for orders on the contract. Defaults based on Contract Type selected.
- Select the Bookings tab. Bookings included on the contract display on this tab. To remove a booking from the contract:
- Select the booking.
- Right-click and select Mark for Delete. When the contract is saved in step 9, it is removed from the contract.
- Select the Orders tab. Orders included on the contract display on this tab. To remove an order from the contract:
- Select the order.
- Right-click and select Mark for Delete. When the contract is saved in step 9, it is removed from the contract.
- Click OK. If you receive a prompt to create contract documents, click Yes to create the contract and the contract documents. Click No to create the contract but not create any contract documents.
Change a Contract
After you create a contract, you can make changes to it. After you make changes, you may need to do a contract revision.
- Click the Events link from the Main Menu. The Events page opens.
- Select the event with the contract to update.
- Right-click and select Edit. The Edit Event window opens.
- Select the Contracts tab.
- Select the contract to edit.
- Right-click and select Edit. The Edit Contract window opens.
- You can update the information in the below fields:
- Description
- Account and Contact – If you edit the account and save the contract, you may receive a prompt that orders associated with the contract have a different bill-to account and/or contact. You can choose to update the orders to match the new account/contact (Yes), not update the orders to match the new account/contact (No) or cancel the change (Cancel).
- Contract Rep
- Status – Based on your contract status configuration, changing the status may update the Written, Mailed, Due, Decision and Signed Dates, as well as event and booking statuses associated with the contract. If the status is changed to the status selected for the Contract Locked option on the Contract Configuration window, the contract is locked automatically.
- Type – Updating the contract type may change the default payment plan, contract clauses, and the documents and reports available when adding contract documents.
- Written Date
- Mailed Date
- Due Date
- Decision Date
- Signed Date – You can update this field until the status reaches the Signed Status set in the Contract Configuration window.
- Payment Plan
- Locked
- You can also add and delete bookings, orders, and housing to/from the contract, and add, edit and delete contract clauses, activities, notes, documents and payment plans.
- Click OK. You may receive a prompt to create contract documents. If you answer Yes, you are prompted to select the necessary documents. If you answer No, the contract is updated but no documents are created.
Cancel a Contract
You can cancel contracts to preserve the contract history. After you cancel a contract, you cannot reinstate it. You need to create a new contract if another one is needed.
- Click the Events link from the Main Menu. The Events page opens.
- Select the event with the contract to cancel.
- Right-click and select Edit. The Edit Event window opens.
- Select the Contracts tab.
- Select the contract to cancel.
- Right-click and select Tools -> Cancel Contract. The Cancel Contract window opens.
- Select the cancellation status from the Status drop-down.
- Select the cancellation reason from the Cancellation Reason drop-down.
- Click OK.
Delete a Contract
If you created a contract in error and you don't want to keep a record of it, you can delete it. You cannot undo the delete process.
You can only delete contracts that are at a status below the Approval Status set in the Contract Configuration window. For contracts above the Approval Status status, you can cancel and then delete them, or if the contract configuration allows, you can lower the status and then delete them.
- Click the Events link from the Main Menu. The Events page opens.
- Select the event with the contract to delete.
- Right-click and select Edit. The Edit Event window opens.
- Select the Contracts tab.
- Select the contract to delete.
- Right-click and select Mark for Delete.
- Click OK. If there is a payment plan associated with the contract, you receive a prompt asking if you want to delete the payment plan. If you select No, the orders remain on the payment plan on the event. If you click Cancel, the delete process is stopped. If any invoices are issued for the payment plan, it cannot delete the payment plan but you are asked if you want to remove all the orders from the payment plan.
Contract Security
Add/Change/Delete Contracts By Contract Status Limit
This access privilege controls who can add, change or delete contracts by checking the assigned contract status value for each role/user and comparing it to the status of the contract. You can assign each role/user a status level and the role/user can add, change or delete contracts with status levels at or below the assigned status level. For example, a role/user with a security level of 30 can add, change or delete contracts with a status of 30 or lower. A blank value or no value is the same as not assigning the role/user to the privilege. If a role/user is not assigned to the privilege and others are, then the role/user cannot add, change or delete any contract regardless of the status level of the contract. If no roles/users are assigned to the privilege, it is considered inactive, and all roles/users can add, change or delete any contract.
Allow Cancelling of Contracts By Contract Status Limit
This access privilege controls who can cancel contracts by checking the assigned contract status value for each role/user and comparing it to the status of the contract. You can assign each role/user a status level and the role/user can cancel contracts with status levels at or below the assigned status level. For example, a role/user with a security level of 30 can cancel contracts with a status of 30 or lower. A blank value or no value is the same as not assigning the role/user to the privilege. If a role/user is not assigned to the privilege and others are, then the role/user cannot cancel any contract regardless of the status level of the contract. If no roles/users are assigned to the privilege, it is considered inactive, and all roles/users can cancel any contract.
Allow Contract Approval
This access privilege controls who can approve contracts. Any roles/users assigned to the privilege can approve contracts while any roles/users not assigned to the privilege cannot approve contracts. If no roles/users are assigned to the privilege, it is considered inactive, and all roles/users can approve contracts.
You approve a contract by setting the contract to the Approved status configured in the Contract Configuration window.
Allow Contract Approval By Contract Amount
This access privilege controls who can approve contracts by checking the assigned amount for each role/user and comparing it to the total amount of the contract. You can assign each role/user an amount and the role/user can approve contracts with total amounts equal to or below the assigned amount. For example, a role/user with an amount of 30000 can approve contracts with a total amount of 30,000 or lower. A blank value or no value is the same as not assigning the role/user to the privilege.
If a role/user is not assigned to the privilege and others are, then the role/user cannot approve contracts that have contract amounts. If no roles/users are assigned to the privilege, it is considered inactive, and contract amounts are disregarded during the contract approval process.
You must assign roles/users to the Allow Contract Approval access privilege or you must have no roles/users assigned to the Allow Contract Approval access privilege to use this access privilege.
You approve a contract by setting the contract to the Approved status configured in the Contract Configuration window.
Allow Contract Approval By Days Before Move-In Date
This access privilege controls who can approve contracts by checking the move in date for the event on the contract and comparing it to the number of days before the move in date assigned to the role/user. You can assign each role/user a number of days before the event move in date the role/user can approve contracts. For example, a role/user with a move in date value of 10 can approve contracts 10 days or more before the event move in date. A blank value or no value is the same as not assigning the role/user to the privilege.
If a role/user is not assigned to the privilege and others are, then the role/user cannot approve contracts regardless of the move in date of the contract. If no roles/users are assigned to the privilege, it is considered inactive, and event move in dates are disregarded during the contract approval process.
You must assign roles/users to the Allow Contract Approval access privilege or you must have no roles/users assigned to the Allow Contract Approval access privilege to use this access privilege.
You approve a contract by setting the contract to the Approved status configured in the Contract Configuration window.
Allow Contract Modification By Contract Rep
This access privilege controls who can change and view contract information based on the contract rep assigned to the contract. Roles/users are assigned security privileges in two parts - Assign Access Privileges and Assign Details. When a role/user is assigned to the privilege, Assign Details defaults to all contract reps. To limit access to selected contract reps, right-click on the assigned role/user and select Assign Details to access the Assign Details screen.
If no roles/users are assigned to the privilege, it is considered inactive, and all roles/users have access to all contract reps' contract information. If a role/user is assigned (activating the privilege), all unassigned roles/users cannot change or view any contract reps' contract information, even contracts where the user is the contract rep. Roles/users with view only access can view the contract reps' contract information but cannot change it.
Allow Deleting of Cancelled Contracts
This access privilege controls who can delete cancelled contracts. Any roles/users assigned to the privilege can delete cancelled contracts while any roles/users not assigned to the privilege cannot delete cancelled contracts. If no roles/users are assigned to the privilege, then no roles/users can delete cancelled contracts.
Allow Unlocking Contracts
This access privilege controls who can unlock locked contracts. Any roles/users assigned to the privilege can unlock any locked contracts while any roles/users not assigned to the privilege cannot unlock locked contracts. If no roles/users are assigned to the privilege, it is considered inactive, and all roles/users can unlocked locked contracts.
Is it possible to create one contract for multiple events with unique Event ID's and weekly invoices?
I have an account that holds weekly luncheon meetings.
I have created a profile and can schedule events based on the booking/function & service order profiles.
How do I contract all of the events to one master contract so that my staff does not have to issue a contract for each recurring events, and the client does not need to sign a document weekly?
Thank you!
We currently do not offer nor do we expect to offer any functionality which would allow you to group different Events into a Single Contract.
This is for a number of reasons, one of which is that different Events could be using different Price Lists and Resources.
That said... here's a couple of options which might work for you. Especially considering that it's really having the Client sign multiple Documents which is the issue you mention.
Option 1)
You would still need to create a Contract for each Event.
But when you create the Document you could manually consolidate the Bookings, and Orders into a single Contract Document to provide to your Clients. I can't think of a programmatic way to produce this document as an automatic Mail-Merge, I believe you would have to manually update the information.
Once signed, you could certainly upload and store a copy of the Signed Contract to each of the individual Contracts on each Event.
Option 2)
Add a Master "Parent" Event for the Series of Events... and use the Parent Event field on each of the individual Events to "connect" them to the Master Event.
You would generate your Contract on the Parent - Master Event - manually updating the information in the document to outline each of the details from each of the Individual Events.
This would allow you to goto one of the Individual Events, note the Parent Event where you would then goto to access and view the Contract.
This is certainly less Contracts but also less control over the Contracted Items from each Event.
I listed this as Option 2 as I really think Option 1 is the better Choice.
I hope this helps.
Hi Dave,
What about Contract Groups?
It is quite common for loyal hirers (or home teams etc) to engage in a single contract covering a 'Season' or a year etc. They then book several events that are all subject to the same contract terms and conditions. They may have a rolling deposit from one event to another and there may be rates and conditions that relate to their overall spend etc.
I believe there is a large need for this type of functionality so it would be good to see if USI were a little more open to this concept. Perhaps a great topic for a conference discussion?
I did discuss that with the Product Mgr. and we decided not to suggest it as an option. It's not really quite there and isn't available in v20.
I have to say that I had a nearly identical request as Crista's week before last from a client I was visiting.
So perhaps it's time to move this concept forward.
I'll discuss with the Prod Mgr. to let him know we now have 3 Clients asking about it.
Maybe we can get something rolling before Conference... but it certainly would be a great topic to discuss there too! We are adding more and more Performing Arts and Sporting Arena Clients every day... and all would benefit from this kind of functionality.
That would be great!
This would save time a massive amount of time and frustration.
The Price Lists and Resources are identical for each of the events- in terms of the Contract.
The Event Managers detail changes or updates, which is why each event has it's own resume & is billed individually (based on attendance and presenter needs that week).
A blanket contract for groups like Rotary, Kiwanis, Home teams, seasonal business, etc would be a huge improvement.
Thank you for the information!
I have alerted our Product Mgr. that this is a topic which we need to discuss.
I also brought it up in my Team Stand-Up Meeting a few mins ago and nearly everyone said they'd had a lot of requests for this functionality as well.
So... keep your fingers crossed.
Thanks Dave,
This is great news - another example of this forum achieving exactly what it should. Our thanks to all involved.
When you say Contract Groups are not available in v20 - do you mean "without bridging"? It is certainly there, just with a bridge to add new groups but v20 supports the selection of them.
Yes, that the feature hasn't been re-developed for v20. So it only does what it does right now and requires the Bridge.
Plus... perhaps enhancing the process when we re-develop for v20.
Has there been any update on creating one contract for multiple events?
We have events which commit to multiple years and would be keen to see the possibility to link the three events together on to one contract.
While we have discussed this topic here at USI, as it does affect quite a few clients, we have not developed a solution. I'm un-aware if we have this on our Product Roadmap.
Many of us in Consulting/Services are pushing to get this issue addressed.
Monday, if you return to this Knowledge Base... you will find a brand-new and easier to use Knowledge Base which will now include a Community "Product Suggestions" section. The idea is... for clients to post Ideas and things like your "Contract across Multiple Events" needs... which will allow other Clients to comment and add their desire for these kinds of changes... which should help us to gauge Customer Requirements and help us get things like this on Development Roadmaps.
Is there any update on the above as this is something in which we would like to explore.
From reading this thread and the thread on parent events other than physically linking the 2nd or 3rd event to the 1st event as a parent event I don't see any benefits for contracts, service orders or any financial gain (please correct me if am wrong)
While this is something which Development is aware of, there isn't anything scheduled to address this at this time.
That said, I do still hope to have this capability/functionality added to the product at some point in our future.
Is there any parameter or option I can set to stop the automatic addition on all current bookings and orders being added to the contract on creation? Is there a stats threshold I can play with? Or is hard coded that all bookings and orders are automatically added to the contract?
Hi Sean,
By design, all bookings and orders that are not already on a contract at or above the Awaiting Approval Status (set in the Contract Configuration window/Organization Parameters) will be added to the contract when adding from the Contracts tab. There is not currently a way to turn this off.
Thanks Wendy,
I should be able to work with that. I might try setting the Awaiting Approval Status to something quite high to stop them being added. Do you foresee any issue with that?
I'm not sure I was clear...
When you first add a contract to an event, all the bookings and orders will be included. You can remove items from that contract using Mark for Delete on each tab. If that contract has a status at or above the Awaiting Approval Status, the items on that contract will not/cannot be added to any new contracts for the same event, but all other items will be. If that first contract is below Awaiting Approval, and you add a new contract to the same event, ALL items, including those on the first contract, will be added to the new contract.
Once any contract goes to the Awaiting Approval Status, any contracts that include any of the same items will be set to "Requires Revision" and the duplicates will be removed through the revision process.
So I don't think setting the Awaiting Approval Status to something quite high is going to help you.
Let me know if you have other questions.
I do not see the Contracts tab in the Event window. Additionally, nothing shows up when we search in the Main Menu. Is this an add-on feature or does it come with Ungerboeck plans?
Brian: Yes, "Contracts" is typically a separately "Licensed" Add-On to Ungerboeck, but sometimes it's bundled with other Features and not specifically named.
I've looked at the Account for the National Association of Home Builders and I can't determine for certain that you do or do not have "Contracts" currently Licensed for use in your Ungerboeck.
I've reached out to Dan Hugge - your Account Manager to ask him to assist you with this issue.
Sit tight.
Ok, thanks! Please do let me know if we have access or not.
Hi Brian, you should now be able to see Contracts in your menu...please let me know if you're unable. Thanks.
Dan Hugge Thanks. Can we switch to email? Had some questions.
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