
Contract Addendums



  • Shelby Dodge

    Where is the addendum reflected?  The Event Order Confirmation?  Is there a specific document for this?

  • Wendy Thompson

    Hi Shelby,

    The article refers to managing a contract addendum in the database.

    The addendum displays on the Event in the Contracts tab as a separate entry using the original Contract ID and an Addendum number appended (show the Addendum column to see this).  It is also a separate entry in the main Contracts list page.

    Other than the Addendum number, it behaves like any other Contract.  The standard Event Order Confirmation does not include Contract ID information, but you may have a customized report.

    As with initial Contracts, you create/determine the documents you want to associate with the Ungerboeck Contract entry.  Those who use Addenda generally have a standard template document for the original contract and a separate one for the addendum, which designates it as such, being an addition or update to the original.


    Wendy Thompson

    Senior Quality Engineer

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