
Place an Account/Contact on Hold or Warn



  • Steven Wittig

    It would be great if the status could be customized rather than just Hold, Warn and be able to add one's own icon/gif.

  • Viviane Neumann

    Hello Steven,

    Thank you for your input, I will forward this to the project manager and see what is possible.

  • Kate Mulcare

    When you have a WARN on an Account - is there any other 'notification' that happens if they do process a registration order ?  

    No warning message appears on their registration order  & I couldn't find a column to view that showed this information.   So unless you look at their account, you don't see the WARNING

    Am I missing something ?

  • Viviane Neumann

    Hello Kate,

    For registration this only works for 'HOLD' - as mostly Registration is done online by the Participant, and a simple 'Warning' would not really do much as they would/could ignore it. Hope that helps, if not let me know. Kind regards

  • John Garrido

    Hi Viviane,

    Are there access priveledges linked to this setting so that accounts can set the Hold but cannot be removed by a sales person?

  • Viviane Neumann

    Hello John,

    Do you want only certain Users to be able to ignore the Warn/Hold Status?

    Or do you only want certain Users to be able to generally 'activate' (create) such Warn/hold Status?

  • John Garrido

    I want certain Users to be able to 'activate' and 'deactivate' the Warn/hold Status

  • Viviane Neumann

    You can define who can set, update and clear the Warn/Hold Status using the Allow Update of Receivable Demographics privilege but you cannot define who can ignore the Hold/Warn status when entering orders.

  • Olaf Dominguez

    Hello Viviane.
    I used the hold status in an account, but i still can add service orders.
    Do you know if i can block the account, not even for a reservation?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Olaf,

    Please verify that the account is being used as a bill-to account on the order. As long as the account is a bill-to on the order, then you should be able to add a service order for that account.

    The Account Receivable Hold/Warning is meant to only prevent future Accounts Receivable records from being created so if the reservation isn't creating a service order, then the Hold/Warn set for the Receivables won't trigger a message. However, depending on the scenario of why you would want this to happen, there are some possible solutions that would be available. I encourage you to reach out to your local Client Services Team so you can review your situation with your consultant so they can recommend the best solution.


  • Julie Evans

    Maggie, can you tell me why Users are unable to see the Warn/Hold Icon in V20? In V19 on Event Master the user clearly sees the Warn/Hold Icon next to the account name. In v20 the user will not see the Warn/Hold Icon unless they hover over the account name... We really need to be able to see the Warn/Hold icon next to the account name on Event Master inV20, as it is a automatic stop to keep users from work in Event.

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Julie,

    I assume this doesn't display directly on the screen because they moved the account details, which in v19 displayed in the lower quadrant of the screen, to a tooltip in v20. Our Product Management Team is always open to feedback when changes like this are made so please submit a ticket using the Submit a Ticket link on supportcenter.ungerboeck.com. Be sure to include your business case so they have a clear understanding of the impact it has on your processes.


  • Steven Wittig

    +1 We also rely on the account reps to be able to see the Warn/Hold flag without hovering. Otherwise they would have to do that every time prior to registering someone. I'll submit a ticket as well (currently only in testing for v20).

  • Laura Webb

    Is there a way to find a list of all the accounts that have hold/warns?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Laura,

    There is a filter on the Accounts screens called Hold Orders - AR Demographics.  You (or your administrator) may need to add it to the layout on the appropriate Accounts screen in order to see it.  It's a drop-down with a Yes (show accounts set to Hold), No (show accounts with no Hold or Warn) and Warn (show accounts set to Warn).



  • Laura Webb

    Thanks Maggie. I am an administrator. I see the Hold Orders - AR Demographics. I do not see Warn. Could it be called something else?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Laura,

    The Warn option is an option in the Hold Orders - AR Demographics drop-down so it's not it's own field.  I included a screen shot below of what it should look like.


  • Laura Webb

    Ah ha! I see now. Thank you Maggie.

  • Tom Meersman

    Any update on the access priviliges? It does not make sense that our finance people put an account on hold and that everyone can clear it?

    Thank you.


  • Kieron Marshall

    I agree it doesn't make sense, It Definitely seems like a bug to me and not an enhancement.

  • Maggie U.


    I want to provide some clarification around access privileges and how they work with account holds and warns.  The Allow Update of Receivable Demographics access privilege controls who can set, update or clear an account hold or warning.  Only those users/roles assigned to this privilege will be able to perform these actions.  Any users not assigned to this access privilege will not be able to set the Hold/Warn on an account or update or clear it.  This was put into place in v20.82, v20.8C and 20.7K.




  • Wouter Dumon

    Hi Maggie,

    We do not have the acces privileges allow update of Receivable Demographics set on the users

    yet when this same account navigate's to a account that's on hold it has the possibility to change that status and/or clear it.
    As Kieron said yesterday i believe this is a bug?


    Kind Regards,


  • Maggie U.


    This access privilege is implicit so it will not be activated until a user/role is assigned to it. Having no users assigned to it means everyone has access. Once you assign the users/roles who should have access, those who are unassigned will not be able to change the setting on the account hold/warn.


  • Brooke Adamson


    The system isn't allowing me to edit any fields on an event that has a hold on the bill-to account. It appears from this article that it should restrict new service orders, but why can't I edit the second coordinator field on the event? The status is prospect (14). 



  • Maggie U.


    I provided incorrect information earlier.  When an event bill-to account is placed on hold, then the event information cannot be updated. 



  • Jodi Webb

    Wondering if anyone is having the issue with the Notes not changing if you put an account on Hold/Warn. We need to keep our notes as a historical record, but when putting an account which was on Warn to Hold (or vice-versa), it only shows the Hold Notes. it won't show the notes for the Warn.

    Unless we edit the existing Note, we can't see a 'new' note. It causes our users a lot of confusion.


  • Viviane Neumann

    Indeed you can only edit the existing note. No overwritten notes will remain.
    Recommendation (in case you also want to see the initial, overwritten not) to copy paste into a note class "Warn/Hold" info.
    Recommendation: write the following text in your note: “Block: ….(details if blocked); Warn: ….(details in on warn)” e.g. “Block: If on blocked, do not even send offers, Warn: if on warn, offers can be sent, but 100% deposit requested”

    In addition feel free to request a development for this note to be created automatically

  • Jodi Webb

    This seems a bit of a after-thought system.

    if i wanted to review the Account and the reasons why we are blocking/warning a company there's not a lot of history or notes around it.


    I will definitely be sending through a request to enhance this. Seems like a very logical history to keep.


  • Michele Frau

    Hi - is this functionality available on supplier accounts?   We would like to prevent users from adding certain accounts to purchase orders until they update their insurance certificates with us.  I don't want to inactivate the supplier status as our users will just add a new account.  I would rather it comes up with a warning,    thx. 


  • Sean Tame

    Hi Michele,

    The closest I think you could ger is to make the AP Demographics Inactive.

    This will stop new POs from being Approved but it does not warn the entering user a PO.  Perhaps it will work for your workflow?

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