
Add an Event



  • Kris Corrigan

    How can you assign a default value for each entry in V20 as you can easily in V19 upon the edit layout?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Kris,

    The ability to set a default value for each field has not been added to v20.


  • Kris Corrigan

    Hi Maggie

    Is this something that maybe be added in the future or would this be a enhancement request.


  • Kris Corrigan

    This would be very useful especially as in V20 we now have themes and can make this more customizable

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Kris,

    This is not currently on our roadmap. You can enter an enhancement request with our Client Care Team so our Product Managers can consider it for a future release.


  • Gavin Gilmartin

    Does the Account field on the Add Event window search both class types - individual and organisations?

    Can you change this to only search organisations?

    Can we use Operators to search for accounts? For example, when we search for an organisation we have many returned results so have to use Advanced Search every time. Is the name of an account the only field used in the Account field?

  • Sam Wilson

    Hi Gavin,

    The event Account field searches across all accounts and contacts with the Event Sales designation. It cannot be set to default to display only organizations within the Add/Edit Event window.

    As you have already determined, using the Advanced Search option allows you to configure and save the view criteria to only display organizations. The view configured with this criteria can be set as the default view on the Advanced Search window.

    Use of additional operators is not supported within the event Account field. This field only searches the Name field for organisations/accounts and the First Name and Last Name fields of individuals/contacts. The Advanced Search option is in place to handle any searches requiring additional criteria.



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