
Cancel or Lost Events



  • Sean Tame

    Can Events have a cancellation schedule?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Sean,

    By cancellation schedule, I'm assuming you mean that there is a cancellation fee that gets placed on the event based on when it is cancelled. There currently is not a feature that allows you to configure event cancellation schedules. Please submit that as an enhancement request for further review by our Product Management Team.


  • Sean Tame

    Thanks will do. Yes, I'm looking for functionality similar to the Registration Cancellation Schedules. Primarily I'm looking to have these to drag into Event Contracts.

  • Kris Corrigan

    Can these events be seen once cancelled apart from adding them into the event master, Purge Events doesn't seem to be in V20

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Kris,

    To stay in v20, they would need to be viewed from the Events page. The Purge Events screen is currently only available in version 19.


  • What's the best way to cancel an event and retain the deposit paid (We use payment plans generated from the contract)

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Eddie,

    Please see the following article on how you can configure this:




  • Mavis Yew

    Hi All,

    Is there a way to re-open or copy a cancel event?

    Sometime customer will turn-back to book the venue with us after they cancel the booking for the same event.





  • Mavis, you can reinstate in v19 but not v20 yet...

  • Mavis Yew

    Hi Lee,

    What do you mean by reinstate?

    I am unable to edit the event at all in v19.

    In V20 i am unable to open up and have a look at the event and the document store in it but not for v19.

    I tried to copy the event but it does not allow me to copy cancel event.  


  • Look in the cancelled and archived events screen in v19, there should be a reinstate option?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Mavis,

    Please see this article for directions on how to reinstate an event:



  • Kris Corrigan

    If an event is cancelled why does the opportunity status stay the same?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Kris,

    There isn't always a direct correlation to an event being cancelled and an opportunity not being available any longer.  The event could be cancelled for a variety of reasons (move to different dates, delaying the event for some reason, etc.) so to cancel the opportunity during the cancel event process may not always be applicable.


  • Kris Corrigan

    Thanks Maggie

    If an opportunity is linked to an event and this is cancelled, similar to orders etc surely the status of the opportunity should change, to see an opportunity with a status of 'Ne' against a cancelled event doesn't make sense.

  • David Clifton

    Hi Maggie,

    When cancelling an event, is there a way to set up an automated alert for relevant staff? EG an automated activity?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi David,

    You can configure the system to send an activity to a group of users when cancelling an event.  To do this, follow the below steps:

    1.  Create a Recipients List for the users who should receive the notification.

    2.  Create a Note Class for an automatic note that is added to the event when it has been cancelled.  When you create the note class, assign the recipient list created in step 1 in the Recipient List drop-down.

    3.  Configure an automatic note to be created when an event is cancelled.

    Then when an event is cancelled, an automatic note will be created that will trigger the users on the recipient list to receive a notification.



  • Heather Gruppelaar

    I am trying to show cancelled events on the "Events" screen but not show them on the "Booking Calendar"  or the "Events or Function" calendars in version 20.96. the above article states

    Lost Event Reporting

    You can create a list of events that were lost during a time period along with the reason and lost to information from the Events screen.

    1. Configure the Events screen to show cancelled/lost events (how do you do this as hyperlink doesn't work)
    2. Filter the Events screen to show only events with a lost status(es) (how do you do this as 'lost or cancelled are not listed in the drop-down list)
    3. Show the Cancel Reason and Lost To columns

    Alternatively is there are different ways to achieve showing cancelled status in the 'Event' view.

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Heather,

    The hyperlink is misleading - it's just trying to take you to this section in the same article:

    Show Cancelled/Lost Events on the Events Screen, Booking Calendar and Event Calendar

    By default, cancelled/lost events do not show on the Events screen, Booking Calendar or Event Calendar. However, you can configure your system to show cancelled/lost events.

    1. Click the Event Management Configuration link from the Main Menu. The Event Management Configuration screen opens.
    2. Check the Show Cancelled Events on Event Master check box.
    3. Click OK.

    I'll update it to make it more clear.

    The lost and cancel statuses will show in the filter once you activate the configuration to show lost and cancelled events on the screen. 



  • Jason Rief

    When event is given canceled or lost status  (80-89) the event is locked so that nothing can be added or changed to the event. Is there a way to disable or get around this? My Managing Director and Event planners asked if for example notes or documents can be added to the event after being canceled or lost. I know you can go an reinstate the event and then re-cancel it. However, these are just added steps that we would like to avoid. 

  • Dave Segasture


    Both Notes and Documents may be added to Cancelled/Lost Events from the Cancelled and Archived Events screen. No need to "Restore" an Event to do this.

    Main Menu > Cancelled and Archived Events > Find and Select your Event and then use the tools on the Notes or Documents Tabs/Sections. to Add/Import.

    That said, the ability to add new Service Orders to a Cancelled/Lost Event is controlled by an "explicit" Access Privilege. That privilege is named "Allow Adding of Orders to Cancelled Events".

    Main Menu > Access Privileges

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