
Event Calendar



  • Lori Lee

    Is there a way to publish this calendar online to the web, allowing real time display? I don't want to have to export and upload to the web each time we make an event change.

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Lori,

    There isn't a built-in way in the software to publish this calendar to the web for real-time display. However, depending on your needs, there could be another solution with our software or a custom solution we could provide. Please contact your Account Manager to learn about the available options.


  • Bryan Miller

    V20 doesn't give you the option to export to excel like V19 did. We used to choose EZ Print, then it would automatically put it in excel where we could manipulate it. It would also list all the events on a particular day instead of cutting off when the list became too long. Can we have this option in V20 please?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Bryan,

    Thank you for your feedback. Please send this information to helpdesk@ungerboeck.com to create a case that can be sent to our Product Management team for further consideration.


  • R.C. Chancy

    Sometimes there is an asterisk beside the Month name on the first day of the month. What is that for?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi R.C.,

    An asterisk indicates that there is a calendar note on that date. If you hover over the asterisk, a tooltip will appear with the calendar note.


  • Melanie Alldis

    Is there a way in V20 we can add the type of event, PAX and Event manager to the Event Calendar. We have created this in 19 and would like to replicate if possible in V20.

  • Viviane Neumann

    Hi Melanie,
    Yes this is possible. If you click on Tools / Configuration, you will have the option to click on 'Customize Text' > There you have several fields to choose from.

  • Mudit Dhebar - Business Systems

    Hi Team, are we missing the existing drop down menus in V30 ?




    Kind Regards,


  • Sean Tame

    Hi Mudit,

    What specifically are you referring to?  I think what you are looking for is in the highlighted section below?

  • Can we export multiple spans or months at one time?

  • Viviane Neumann

    Dear Eddie McCarron - Royal Dublin Society - Ireland

    You can export the Calendar as well when working with more than 1 span, and as you can see in the below screenshots that also works for more than 1 month. Hope that helps. 



  • Perfect, thanks Viviane. 

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