Listed below are the tables which can be used for your own function and booking reporting:
Functions (EV700_FUNC_MASTER) - Contains all the functions attached to events, event profiles, jobs and job profiles.
Bookings (EV802_SPACE_BKD) - Contains all the bookings for events, event profiles, jobs and job profiles.
To join these two tables, follow the below steps:
1. Join the EV700_ORG_CODE column from EV700_FUNC_MASTER table to the EV802_ORG_CODE column in the EV802_SPACE_BKD table.
2. Join EV700_SSB_NBR with EV802_SSB_NBR.
3. Join the EV700_EVT_ID column and the EV802_EVT_ID to get the functions associated with each booking.
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