
Import Crystal Files



  • Amy E. Baggott

    Is there a way to display a Crystal Report as a dashboard gadget?  I have a Crystal Report set up to list Accounts that are missing data in one of my user-defined fields so I can put that data in, but I can't find a way to put it on my dashboard so I can see the results automatically.  This would be useful, as getting to these imported reports is not very intuitive (for instance, one would expect them to show up on the "Reports" menu tab, but they don't).

  • Kelly Potter

    Hi Amy,

    That's a great question. You cannot display a Crystal Report as a gadget, but you may want to look into customizing an EZ Writer Data Source with a similar SQL statement to your report and using this to display in an EZ Writer gadget on a dashboard. Check out the EZ Writer section of the Knowledge Base for more information. You may wish to enlist one of our helpful consultants to assist.

  • David Robertson

    Hi Amy,

    You should be able to add a link to that type of report on the dashboard.

    Once you have the report setup on the system, you can create a custom report or link,

    Then, on your dashboard you can add a gadget and select action buttons and add your Crystal report here.

    It will then run the crystal report when you click on the button on the dashboard.

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