
Edit Multiple Accounts or Contacts



  • Joyce Li

    Hi there,

    Is it possible to update the account status for multiple accounts? This does not appear to be a field that can be selected.


  • Maggie U.

    Hi Joyce,

    The account status field on the Edit Multiple Accounts screen is called Designation Status. You may need to add it to your screen layout for it to be available. 



  • Melanie Duke

    How can you change the Account Rep for multiple accounts at one time? When a salesperson leaves, we need to have an easy way to reassign the rep.


  • Kaitlyn Batliner

    Hi Melanie,

    From your Accounts (or Contacts) list page, you can select en masse all the Accounts (or Contacts) that need to be reassigned then right click. On the right click menu, go to Tools and you should see an option for Change Account Rep. Not only will this allow you to change the Account Rep for the Account, but you can also select to have it update the Rep on Activities, Opportunities, Event Opportunities, Events or Orders.


    Kaitlyn Batliner
    Senior Consultant

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