Below is a list of common Momentus Enterprise terms and definitions:
Account: A company or organization with which a user does business.
Activity: A historical record of calls, emails, meetings, and visits and upcoming reminders/to-do’s for yourself or other Enterprise users.
Affiliation: Tags assigned to accounts and contacts used for filtering. Examples of affiliations include Downtown Property, VIP or Chamber of Commerce Member.
API: Application Interface; helps two software applications to talk to each other.
BEO: Banquet Event Orders
Booking: The spaces reserved for a specific event; representation on the calendar for the physical location of an event’s reservation.
BPO: Business Process Optimization or Business Process Overview
Campaign: A group of accounts and/or contacts which meet a defined criteria so you can perform a mass communication effort or validate potential registrants for an event.
Checklist: A set of reminder activities added to an account, contract, event, exhibitor, function, job, event opportunity, or service order.
COE: Calendar of Events
Contacts: People within an account that serve as the point of contact between the account and your organization.
COWF: Customer Opportunity Web Form; a public-facing online application that allows your potential customers to create an account and opportunity that is automatically created within Momentus Enterprise.
CRM: Client Relationship Management; the accounts and contacts that represent your customers in Momentus Enterprise.
Dashboard: Personalized home page for an organization, role, or user.
EFP: Exhibition Floor Plan; the floor plan tool for assigning exhibitors to booths.
EP: Event Portal; public-facing online application used to manage and organize all communications, documents, and tasks with your event planners.
ESC: Exhibitor Service Center; the public-facing online application used to sell to exhibitors.
ESCV: Exhibitor Service Center for Venues; legacy name for Exhibitor Service Center (ESC).
Event Opportunity: Potential event business with a customer.
Event Services: Method of tracking third-party service providers or contractors associated with an event.
Events: The activity taking place in a space or venue. In Momentus Enterprise, this means anything from a two-person meeting to a 200,000-person convention. The Events screen in Enterprise is used to store and display the details for an event, such as the start and end date, booked spaces, type of event, etc.
Exhibitors: Organizations that purchase or reserve exhibit space at an exhibition or tradeshow.
EXP: Exhibitor Portal; a public-facing online application used to sell booth space, sell sponsorships, and collect exhibitor information directly from your exhibitors.
Favorite: A shortcut to quickly access a customized view of specific screens without having to navigate through the Main Menu.
Functions: The agenda for an event; the operational schedule of an event. Functions allow you to detail what the individual activity is, where it takes place, the time it starts and ends, etc. For example, at a conference, each of the breakout sessions, coffee breaks, meals, keynote speakers, and other activities are considered functions for the event.
Global Navigation Bar: Buttons at the top of your screen that give you easy access to your dashboard, Main Menu, favorites, and main Enterprise screens.
Jobs: Maintenance work (preventative and reactive) that needs to be done within a venue.
Main Menu: Accessed from the Global Navigation Bar from anywhere in the Enterprise; allows you to search for options.
MWO: Mobile Work Orders; an online application that allows your staff to view current work order information and complete delivery of items from their mobile device.
Notes: Contain additional information about an account, contact, event, order, etc. within Enterprise. Also used on reports and public-facing online applications to provide information to your customers.
OEO: Online Event Ordering; a public-facing application that allows your customers to create orders.
OP: Order Processing; a public-facing online application used for online order and service items resulting in service orders for an event.
Opportunity: Potential non-event business with a customer.
OSB: Online Space Booking; a public-facing online application used for online searching and booking of space to create a new event. Formerly known as Online Space Requests (OSR).
POC: Proof of Concept
RCI: Registration Check-In; an application that allows you to check in registrants to a function or an event.
Relationship: How a contact is connected to an account.
Resources: A list of items which can be added to an event for delivery or information purposes.
Room Diagramming: A drawing of the table and seat arrangements within a space.
SDK: Software Development Kit; a tool you can download to make working with a code platform easier.
Service Orders: Items and labor needed for a function. Service orders contain the resources or articles (e.g. water, microphone, projector, servers, technicians) your event customer requests. These are added as service orders for the event.
Taskbar: Located on the far-left side of Enterprise and displays the current screens you have open and a history of the screens that you have previously visited since your last log in.
Tooltip: Configurable pop-up screen that displays when you hover over a link.
UDF: User Defined Field, also called Custom Fields; a way to gather custom information, often question and answers, in Enterprise.
View: A frequently-used screen setting that you have saved.
Visitor Tracking: Public-facing online application for maintaining contact tracing and visitor reporting.
Webhook: A custom scripted portion of code that runs before, during or after some processing completes in Enterprise in real-time. Used to send updates to other applications or kick off other jobs or processes.
Work Orders: Provides the operation staff with the information on what to do with the ordered items. Work orders are a direct copy of the service order item information, including the date and time it is needed, where to deliver them and set them up, and which department is responsible for delivering the it.
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