
Adding Opportunities from Events



  • Steven Wittig

    I would be interested in using it the other way.   We start with an Opportunity (sales lead/prospective event).  Once that opportunity is realized and becomes an event, you can link the opportunity to an event and list the event in any Opportunities window.  But I don't know of a way to view which opportunity the event arose from in any Event Master window.   This would be useful to easily click back to the originating Opportunity (from an event window) and view the documents/diary/notes associated with the Opportunity that generated the event.

  • Mark Fingerhut

    Steven - I believe you should be able to accomplish this. From the opportunity, you can click on the booking calendar window. when you book the event, the originating opportunity should be updated with the resulting event, then there is an issue field on the supplement tab that populates with the original opportunity/issue. Give this a try and see if this might work for you.

  • Mark - is there a way to attach an opportunity to an existing event? (I just tried your suggestion but used an existing event to which to apply new booking, hoping that would make the connection between the event and opportunity but it didn't work).  



  • Hi Zakaria,

    How did you try it? I followed the steps of just openeing the event and selecting Add Opportunity and the opportunity shows against the event (I had to add the opportunity field to the layout) and the event shows against the Opportunity.

    I'm not quite sure what would happen if I added a 2nd opportunity to the same event...

    Good luck!


  • Hey Lee - I was trying Mark's tip on starting from the Opportunity, as opposed to starting from the event (as Steven says:  "using it the other way").  Starting from the Opportunity and creating an event thru the Opportunity's booking calendar window does link the opportunity to the newly created event, but following the same steps and adding a booking to an existing event doesn't create the Opportunity-Event connection.

    Basically looking for a way to "import" rather than add an opportunity to an event.  


  • Got it. I get the feeling there must be a way, but at the moment the only way I can think of doing it is with a "workaround" (i.e. trigger/sql agent job). Hopefully Mark will chime in :)


  • Mark Fingerhut

    Hello gentlemen - Sorry, just catching up on the conversation a bit. Zak - the workflow you describe where you'd like to add the opportunity to an existing event through the process of adding a new booking to the event - that's not a workflow that I see exists today in the standard software - not to say it couldn't be done with a webhook, potentially. The process would be to connect the existing opportunity to the existing event in the methods described above. Thanks,

    Mark F

  • Thanks, Mark... but I think I'm still missing something:  I'm still not seeing how to attach an existing opportunity to an existing event (or vice versa).

    As I read it, the descriptions above allow one to add a new opportunity from a new/existing event (and the Add Opportunity window doesn't include a way to select an existing opportunity), or create an event from an existing opportunity via the booking window.  

    Which step would get me to connecting an existing opportunity to an existing event?



  • Sean Tame

    Hi Zak,

    Do you have the Event/Job field on your Opportunity Layout?  Simply select it from the dropdown to link it.  Then the opportunity will be listed in the Opportunities grid on the Event.

  • Mark Fingerhut

    To further clarify: an existing opportunity cannot be connected to an existing event from the event itself. It must be connected by selecting the event from the opportunity. The Event/Job field on the opportunity must be activated on the opportunity type configuration - check the Show Event checkbox - in order for the Event/Job field to show on the opportunity. It is possible to link multiple opportunities to a single event, but not vice versa. Thanks,

    Mark F

  • Thanks, folks:  the Event/Job field is what I was looking for.




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