



  • Permanently deleted user

    Is there anyway to set the default Note Sensitivity to something other than Public?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Jerry,

    The Note Sensitivity is determined by the Note Class that is selected for the note. You can change the sensitivity for a particular note class using the Note Classes screen. If no note class is selected when adding a new note, then the sensitivity will default to Public.


  • Permanently deleted user

    Thanks Maggie,
    We have a number of Note Classes set up with the relevant sensitivity so that's not too much of an issue. We're concerned about the standard Notes that can be added without picking a Class. If not possible to change the default sensitivity for non-Class notes, is it possible to have a system wide default note class?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Jerry,

    There is not the ability to set a system-wide default note class. If this is something you would like considered for a future release, please submit an enhancement request to helpdesk@ungerboeck.com.


  • Kay Yamamoto

    Are there any ways we can control function notes' order when we generate a report?

  • Mark Fingerhut

    Kay - is there a specific report you are wondering about? We can let you know if that might be possible on that report. Thanks.

    Mark F

  • Kay Yamamoto

    Hi Mark,

    When we generate function confirmation, it seems the order is random. I was wondering if there is a way to organize its order.

    In the Notes tab, the order is like this screenshot below:


    I was wondering if there is a way to sort the order before generating Function Confirmation.


  • Mark Fingerhut

    Kay - it would probably be best to have someone reach out to you to take a closer look at what you are running into. Can I have someone contact you to set up a short call? Thanks.

    Mark F

  • Kay Yamamoto

    Hi Mark - That would be great!

  • Sean Tame

    I just attempted to add a Custom Text field to the Add Note window.  I wanted to give a specific user role a specific instruction on how to format the notes they will be adding but I am disappointed to find that we cannot add custom fields nor set field restrictions on the Notes window.

    Is there a reason this is missing from this window?  Will these features be available on all windows eventually?


  • Maggie U.

    Hi Sean,

    This has been addressed in v20.92 DX2.


  • Sean Tame


    Thanks Maggie.

  • Kris Corrigan


    When adding a note to a function is there an option to auto save?

    We have a user who had lost information due to the notes not saving due to the 'Information has changed....' message.

    No one else was in this event at the time and left the user very frustrated.



  • Elisabeth Bollmann

    Is this a bug?

    I added a note on his travel preference to a contact. After saving the note it was not visible within the Note section of the contact, only when expanding the Note section, but then the heading details the note to belong to an order, not to the contact. That also means that this note is only accessible and visible if I open the contact through order registrants of the same event or when I'm looking at this specific order.

    Additionally when adding a note to a contact in "Contact-Event Sales", it does not display when accessing the contact from an event.

    I would expect the note that I added to a contact to be saved with the contact, not with the order, regardless from which screen I opened the contact. 

    Thanks, Elisabeth 

  • Kim Boettcher

    Hi Elisabeth,

    Can you please clarify? How are you adding the note to a contact? Is this being done through public registration? Or is it done on a backoffice window (if so, which window)?



  • Elisabeth Bollmann

    Hi Kim,

    sure, I'm in the backoffice in an event in the Tab "Order Registrants", then I click on Edit Account (1859) for one of the Registrants. There I click on Add (117) > Add Note (1686). The next window that opens says "Add Note | Order XXXXX" instead of "Add Note | Account XYZ" as I would expect.

    Does this help?

    Thanks, Elisabeth 

  • Kim Boettcher

    Thanks, Elizabeth. I was able to recreate this and confirm that it is a bug. The note should have been added to the contact, instead of the order. We will be taking steps to resolve this issue.

    In the meantime, it does behave as expected using a similar workflow from the Event Registrants grid.

    Hope this helps!


  • Missy Ivan

    Did you know that the space of the function does not show on the notes screen?  Why is this?  This is a fundamental flaw IMO .  I have raised this with support and have been advised to request this as a product enhancement. (really....) Anyway here it is... could you please put this on the roadmap for the next version please.  

  • Elsa Österberg

    How many characters is the limit for notes?

  • Sam Wilson

    Hello Elisa,

    Notes are a very robust tool supporting simple text or HTML formatting for more advanced uses. Technically they are limited to 2 GB (including HTML formatting code).

    Notes can handle a lot of different content (e.g., images, tables, links, etc.), but are not designed for copy/paste of email messages. When using them for reporting purposes, you should avoid notes with potential multi-page outputs.



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