
Hide or Show Package Items on a Price List



  • Jason Allen

    Can UB not check when adding the package to the price list whether details or package header pricing is being used, and if detail pricing is not active then do not add the package contents to the price list?

    Automatically adding the package contents to the price list for the reason al carte selling is extremely frustrating. When you have packages containing items across multiple different resource classes and types, there is no visibility that they have all been added to the price list too, leaving the price list full of 0.00 price items that the end user can then select and add to service orders. 

  • Karin van der Horst

    Jason, on your last remark "that the end user can then select and add to service orders"...

    We had that same worry and also the users dont want to see ingredients like tomatoes if they are searching for the tomatosoup - We've found that setting the detail resources to inactive solves this issue: the user don't sees i (inactive resources sorted to the bottom of the pricelistt,  and the details are still there to be used for prices and or operational workflows from the order.

    Maybe this is an idea for you.too..

  • Sean Tame

    I agree with Jason on this.

    The default behaviour for packages (other than Detail Package Rates) should be to not automatically add the package items to the price list.  The reason we are packaging things up is because they are to be sold as a package.  Having to mark each item as Detail Only Pricing (does this even make sense?) is about the same amount of work as deleting the items after they are added.

    Perhaps a parameter is needed here?

  • Steve Gilbey - ICC Sydney

    Sean, You were right then, and you're still right now, but now - maybe you can do something about it?

  • Karin van der Horst

    I dont agree with you, we use detail pricing only so the prices should come from the details(setupdetails) in the pricelist and can differ from one price list to the other.

    As written above, the items are set to inactive so they cant be used by it self.

  • Rebecca Green

    Has a change been made to how detail pricing is handled when a package is set to detail pricing?  We have a number of packages set to the detail pricing.  When the price was updated on the detail item on the price list (e.g. increased the bottled water price), the detail pricing on each package did not update.  This meant that I had to find all the packages where the bottled water was used and update the price on each one.  In my opinion this defeats the purpose of having the detail pricing items on the price list.  Is this a bug that I should report?  This issue is happening in .98 and in .99.  Thanks for providing some clarification regarding the expected behavior.


  • Tyler Lewis

    Hey Rebecca,

    I believe this has always been the functionality. However, I want to ensure I'm understanding your question. Are you changing the Price List Item on the Price list and expecting the Package Setup Detail to change? Or are you changing a Package Setup Detail and expecting that to change for all Packages? Regardless, Package Setup Details are meant to make each package to have unique pricing if needed. If you would like to submit a bug, we could do a deeper dive on the history and logic behind this functionality.


    Tyler Lewis - Business Analyst
    Venue Operations

  • Karin van der Horst

    Tyler, I think Rebecaa rites a clear scenario:Are you changing the Price List Item on the Price list and expecting the Package Setup Detail to change?  YES!

    And that should be.

    If not its a bug

  • Karin van der Horst

    thats only valid ofcourse if the changed item is also in the package on the same pricelist/order form.

    BTW tested on2023R1 and working correct,change the item price/> packages price is updated accordingly

  • Rebecca Green

    @... Apologies for the delayed response.  I was changing the price list item on the price list and expected it to update on all the package detail items.  When you initially add the items as package details the pricing defaults from the price list item pricing.  Perhaps this could be a configuration option on the package?  I could see the case for both.  However, if a package detail item must exist on the price list in order to be a package detail, then it is not intuitive that the pricing is not linked.  Upsells work in this way so making package details sync would be consistent unless it is a specific configuration.  If the package details do not sync to the pricing, then in my opinion, they should not have to be listed on the price list as individual items in order to be added as package details.  Perhaps this was a recent change to solve another problem?  

  • Tyler Lewis

    Hey Rebecca,

    I would go ahead and submit a ticket for our team to look into. I believe Karin stated it well, therefore, worth our team to see what is going on within your database.


    Tyler Lewis - Business Analyst 
    Venue Operations

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