Question: when clicking on an event from my Calendar of Events, linked to Service Order Processing, I am receiving the following system message: Orders may not be placed at this time. Functions have not been made available and are required to continue.
Answer: This is more than likely caused by the fact that your function usages don't match up with your Service Order Processing configuration. Here is how to fix this.
1. Go to the affected event > go to Functions window > show the column for Usage > write down the usage code and description (Example: Registration is the description, and REG is the code) of the function that you wish to allow on your SOP
2. Go to the SOP configuration in question > Search tab > Look at the Function Usage dropdown. If the Function Usage in this dropdown doesn't match the Function Usage on your event function(s), then nothing will be available to order on the event.
3. There are a couple ways to fix this. You can either clear out the Function Usage completely, leaving it blank, and that will allow all functions of all usages to be displayed on the SOP. Or, you can also click on the ellipsis to select multiple Function Usages, but not allow all Function Usages.
4. Once this has been saved, you can go back to your Service Order Processing, and your event should display functions that are available for selection and ordering.
(Based on case 190187.)
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