Accounts and contacts can be manually added to campaigns from account/contact records within Enterprise. This offers more control over which accounts are added to a campaign, compared to creating automatic steps.
Examples where you may want to add a campaign include:
- Accounts/contacts which held an event at the venue in the last year.
- Exhibitors who have exhibited at three recent events.
- Updating the campaign detail status for all prospective registrants who have already registered for an event.
Add a Campaign
You can add accounts/contacts to campaigns from most Momentus Enterprise pages, such as Accounts, Contacts, Events, Service Orders, Event Registrants and Registration Orders. Once you filter the screen to include the desired accounts/contacts you want to add to a campaign:
- From the feature, select the accounts/contacts, event or orders to be used for the campaign. Use Ctrl+Click or Shift+Click to select multiple accounts/contacts.
- Right-click and select Tools > Campaigns and select:
- Add to New Campaign: Adds the selected accounts/contacts to a new campaign. Opens the Add to New Campaign window where you can name the campaign and assign a campaign group.
- If using Events, Registration or Service Orders you will see an additional field: Account to Use. Use the dropdown to select which type of accounts/contacts you want to pull into the campaign. You can select multiple.
- Registrants: To add the registrant details to the campaign. This is only available when adding from Registration Orders.
- Order Account: To add the order account details to the campaign. This will only appear when adding from registration or service orders.
- Order Contact: To add the order contact details to the campaign. This will only appear when adding from orders
- Ship-To Account: To add the event ship-to account details to the campaign.
- Ship-To Contact: To add the event ship-to contact details to the campaign.
- Requester Account: To add the event requester account details to the campaign.
- Requester Contact: To add the event contact account details to the campaign.
- Bill-To Account: To add the order or event bill-to account details to the campaign.
- Bill-To Contact: To add the order or event bill-to contact details to the campaign.
- If using Events, Registration or Service Orders you will see an additional field: Account to Use. Use the dropdown to select which type of accounts/contacts you want to pull into the campaign. You can select multiple.
- Add to Existing Campaign: Adds the selected accounts/contacts to an existing campaign. Opens the Add to Existing Campaign screen to select the campaign to add the accounts/contacts to.
- Add to New Campaign: Adds the selected accounts/contacts to a new campaign. Opens the Add to New Campaign window where you can name the campaign and assign a campaign group.
- The Campaign Results screen opens with the updated accounts/contacts for the campaign.
To manage your campaign results, including update the detail status and remove an account/contact, see Work a Campaign for more information.
Ok so what are the next steps?
Could you include suggested next steps ....
It still does not work for 'Exhibitors' window. I tried to 'push' accounts into existing campaign, it works if numbers of accounts are less than 20, in first few times. There is no way for me to push total list of 3538 exhibitors & prospectives into the campaign in a few goes.
"Add" button in Campaign still bridges back to v19 mode, that means they cannot access 'Exhibitors' list. We are on latest version (v20.90).
Any plan in the future to fix this issue?
Hi Tony,
This works for me in the following workflow with 120 accounts/exhibitors, I'm not sure if 3,500 will work. I would break that down into 500 exhibitor batches:
1. filter down exhibitor list and select all rows
2. right click and select the Add to New (or Existing) Campaign, within the Campaigns menu option.
3. select the existing campaign (or add a new one)
4. all exhibitors get added to the campaign successfully
Try out that process.
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