
Email Templates



  • Kris Corrigan


    For a web opportunity email confirmation to be sent, when choosing the data source within the EZ writer template where is the email subject derived from.

    I have a confirmation that is sending the styling tag as the subject.



  • Ryan G.

    Hi Kris,

    The email subject should be coming from the template its self. If this is not the behavior that you are experiencing, please open a ticket with our client care team for further assistance.



  • Kris Corrigan

    Thanks Ryan

    What about the if you are using a EZ data source as the email, where is the subject derived for this?


  • Welter Nadine


    Am I able to add a Weblink to an email template?


    Best regards


  • Dave Segasture


    Yes you can.

    In the tool bar look for the "Insert Hyperlink" or "Insert Ungerboeck Image" options.

    Both allow you to create/insert a Hyperlink to a Webpage (Weblink) in the body copy of your Email Template.

    The "Insert Hyperlink" allows the creation of the Link as Text or Image and the "Insert Ungerboeck Image" allows the creation as an Image.

    Dave s.

  • Daniel Dickenson



    Does anyone know of a way of using the wildcards to call Opportunity data without having to create a EZWriter template (instead of a Email/ Subject Template)? 


    Or can you create an EZWriter and then call that information through a Email/ Subject Template?

  • Sean Tame

    Hi Daniel,

    According to this post further up the discussion, the Opportunities Subject is still missing.


  • Chris Hunjas

    Anyone know of a way to inactivate or remove USI Defined email templates?

  • Dave Segasture

    Chris - a couple of quick questions - which specific Email Templates are involved and why do you want to inactivate or remove them? 

    If you are talking about Templates like Registration Confirmation, I believe those are actually hard-coded Crystal Reports which you cannot modify. 

  • Mike Johnson

    Coming in .97A:  A new tab/section, Template Documents, has been added to email templates.  This allows template documents to be linked to the template.  When the template is used, the linked documents will automatically be attached to the Send Email page.

  • Elisabeth Bollmann

    I just used the "send test email" functionality for an email template and somehow the text of the email body was not only in the email body but also attached as PDF, Word document and text file.

    Is this intended or is there a bug? We are on 30.98D

  • Mike Johnson

    This is working correctly.  The reason for the attachments is that it allows you to test the various merge processes in one step.

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