If an event already exists with the same functions you need for another event, those functions can be copied and brought into the new event. This is helpful if there is a recurring event that always follows the same schedule or if there is an event that exists that has a similar schedule. This process is called Scripting From an Event.
To copy functions from an existing event into a new event, follow the below process:
1. Click the Events button from the Global Navigation Bar. The Events screen opens.
2. Select the event to add the new functions.
3. Click the Functions tab.
4. Select an existing function.
5. Right-click and select Tools -> Script from Event. The Script from Event screen opens.
6. Select the event that contains the functions to be copied in the Event drop-down.
7. Click the Search button. A list of functions displays.
8. Select the functions to be copied to the new event.
9. Click the Select button. The Paste Functions screen opens.
10. Select if the new functions should be pasted after the function you originally selected or if the new functions should be indented under the originally selected function.
11. In the Functions Options, Orders Options and Booth Options sections, select the information to be copied to the new functions.
12. In the Date and Time Options and Space Options, select the desired date and time selections and a space (if necessary) to assign to the new functions.
13. Click OK. The functions are copied into the new event.
Is there a way to copy 2 functions to multiple events as opposed to having to do the event on an individual basis.
Hi Kris,
There is not currently a way to copy functions from one event to multiple events at the same time.
Regarding step 7 above:
Why is it impossible to get the source event scripting to show in a hierarchy? This is typically how scripting is viewed and no matter what view or settings I use, I cannot get it to display in the correct (source) form.
Hello -
One of my staff would like to know, what is the maximum number of functions that can be set up in a single event?
Ginger Scott
Indiana University Conferences
Hi Ginger,
There is no maximum number of functions per event. I've seen events with 15,000+. Keep in mind the more data, the more time it takes to load, so performance may be affected by large numbers of functions.
Wendy Thompson
Senior Quality Engineer
Can I copy functions from a cancelled event? Cancelled events are not included in the Events that I can choose from in the Script from Event window. Is there a parameter I need to change to allow that?
H Kara,
It is possible to script functions from cancelled events if Organization Parameter EM 850 - Show Cancelled Events on Event Master - is set to Yes (box checked on Event Management Configuration window). That would mean Cancelled Events will also show on the Calendar and Events window unless filtered out on your view(s).
Because we default that window to not include cancelled events in the quick search, the other thing you need to do is when you click into the Event field on the Script from Event window, click the Advanced Search link in the footer to open Advanced Search Events. I suggest clearing any filters and entering the Event Name or Event ID of the cancelled event in the appropriate search field. Unless there are other restrictions for your user/role, the cancelled event should be returned and can be selected. The Functions are then available for selection after clicking Search on the Script from Event window. The process then is the same as usual, but note that the Functions will be added at the cancelled Status used when the Event was cancelled. You can edit them individually or using Edit Multiple to update the Status as needed.
Wendy Thompson
Senior Quality Engineer
Thank you, Wendy. That's exactly what I needed.
It would be really helpful to have an option to select the function status for the copied functions. Similar to selecting the status of an order.
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