
Assign User Defined Fields (UDFs) to Functions



  • Becky Slembarski

    Hello, I have created a validation list and then a UDF set and tied them together. My problem is adding the field under Edit Layout. Are UDFs restricted to certain screens?? I am trying to add this specific field under the "Edit Registration Order" window.

  • Theresa Gorman

    Firstly you need to make sure that it is a registration issue that you have created (under event registration and housing>administration).  You cannot add UDF's to edit layout.  You would need to go to your registration configuration and in the 'order user fields' select the UDF you have created.  When you open orders there will be a user field tab which is where you will find your fields.  If you are using iebms for registration then you would need to add the fields to the web configuration under form groups in order for them to see or complete the fields. - hope this helps

  • EMS Support


    How can we do this for Edit Service Order Screen?


  • Maggie U.

    Hi Sathish,

    UDF's can be set up for Service Orders in two different ways depending on how they need to be used. If you will have the same UDF set for all service orders in your organization regardless of the event, please see this article:


    If the available UDF's will depend on which event the order is added to, follow the below steps:

    1. From the Global Navigation Bar, click the Events button.
    2. On the Events screen, select the event to assign the service order UDFs.
    3. Right-click and select Edit -> Edit.
    4. On the Edit Event screen, select the Details tab.
    5. On the Details tab, in the Configuration section, select the order user fields to be used in the Order User Fields Type drop-down. **Note that if you are not using the default layout shipped with the software, this drop-down may be located elsewhere or may need to be added to your layout.
    6. Click OK.

    When you add a service order to the event, the selected user field set will be available for the service order. The user fields will display in a tab on the Edit Service Order screen. Make sure this tab is displayed on your layout so you can view/add the user fields.

    To learn how to configure user field sets to be available in the Order User Fields Type drop-down, please see the following article which also includes a video of the process:


    Be aware that in service orders, you cannot choose which fields display like you can in registration. All the fields on the user field set will display for service orders.


  • Sean Tame

    When attaching a UDF set to an event as described in this article, there is no option to place the various fields on the Function Layout (as the field set could be different for each event).  But if I have specified a UDF set in the EM FI10 parameter, should I not then be able to selectively paint each field on the Layout?

    Please advise.

  • Maggie U.


    The system doesn't differentiate between these two UDF situations.  It puts them on a UDF tab regardless of if they are assigned on the event level or the system level.


  • Sean Tame

    Thanks for the follow up Maggie,

    So is there any way to selectively use Function UDFs on the Edit Layout?

  • Maggie U.

    No, all the fields in the issue type are automatically placed on the UDF tab.

  • John Klingelhoets

    When using UDF's with functions - is there a option to not copy them when a function is copied?  So the UDF fields would always be blank/empty at the function level and never contain copied information? 

  • Americas Ungerboeck Consulting

    John - Currently, there isn't a way to do this. UDF values on the function are considered attributes of the function and are copied with it. It would be an enhancement to choose whether the values get copied or not. Thanks,

    Mark F

  • Kris Corrigan

    Which table will I find the UDF's fields?

    I've assigned functions UDF's and added them to an event but which table will I fine the results?



  • Maggie U.

    Hi Kris,

    These are stored in EV711_FUNC_USER_FLDS.


  • Kris Corrigan

    Thanks Maggie

  • Hello Ungerboeck - are there any plans to allow UDF set selection by Function (and Service Order, for that matter), and not  just Event-wide?

    Use case:  Functions and Service Orders that have different purposes can/should have different UDFs available to them.





  • Maggie U.

    Hi Zak,

    I talked with Product Management and nothing is in the plans for this in the near future.


  • Nina Dennison

    I want to add additional Date/Time fields to our events, and bonus to have them auto-populate into the Functions area. 

    Example: Jan. 22, 2023  3:00PM (need Date & Time fields with Option to adjust the date/time)

  • Mark Fingerhut

    Hi Nina - A bit more information for exactly what you're trying to do may be helpful. However, you are able to add event-level UDFs that have a Date or Time format, allowing you to capture that information on the event. 
    Currently, the event-level UDFs cannot be shown as columns/fields on functions. And we don't have a standard way to take the data in the event-level UDFs to create functions. 

  • Nina Dennison

    HI Mark, 

    We're looking for a Time and Date picker option on a UDF. So that we can choose a time or date from a calendar or clock options.

    There's a limited number of pre-programed options in the system, we need about 4 more. 


  • Mark Fingerhut

    Got it - so yeah, the UDFs with a Date and Time format should work well for you here. 

  • Nina Dennison

    @Mark Fingerhut The Time & Date formats in the UDFs don't populate the picker option, I see drop down but I don't want to have to type in all those times and dates. Do you know how I can see the picker option for these??

  • Sean Tame

    Hi Nina,

    I presume you are using an Event Sales Opportunity Type?  Looking at the UDF in your Opportunity Type, what values do you have for the custom field Type and Database Field?

    You should have a field Type of Date, Full Year Date, or Time and a Database Field similar to DTS_XX.

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