
Add a Personnel Account



  • Ungerboeck

    If you are not licensed to the personnel management module, you may access the same window through Organisation Administration

  • Marilene Vasco

    What "Privileged" means in the Personnel Account - > General tab.
    What is it for?
    It has a radio button to tick on the right hand side of the screen.


  • Maggie U.

    Hi Marilene,

    The original intention of the checkbox was to mark accounts which people within your organization should not share with others outside of your organization. For example, a large profile client who doesn't want their name used for advertising or referenced as a client who is using your services. However, this checkbox is for informational purposes only and doesn't have any specific functionality behind it so your organization could use it for any purpose.


  • Conny Linders

    Hi Maggie,

    Can you tell how I can create a new Personnel Departments and new Positions? (We don't have the Personnel Management module).

    Regards, Conny

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Conny,

    Personnel positions are only available to those who are licensed to Personnel Management. You can add departments using the Account Departments menu option.  See this this article for directions on adding account departments:





  • Jo Dadd

    Hi we are just completing our upgrade to V20 and one area of the business uses work force scheduling in V19, on the account there is an availability tab - I am guessing this hasn't yet bene migrated to V20 but my question is when we select Edit (V19) the availability section in V19 is not active please can you let me know what we can do to make this active





  • Sharon Whitehall


    I have done a bit of research and cannot find a good reason why you can't get to the availability tab when bridging.  I am going to enter a case to have a developer look at what is going on.  What version are you on?



  • Jo Dadd

    Thanks Sharon its 20.93



  • Grace Ciee



    We're creating a personnel inside an organization, however we couldn't save the details as the error "Communication Type must be unique" is always prompting. Anyone could help us why we are getting this error?


  • Sharon Whitehall

    Are you adding more than Communication Type?  Look at your communication types and see what ones are being marked at unique.  What version are you on?

  • Jonathan Comaling

    where can we find this communication type field? thank you

  • Sharon Whitehall

    Main Menu >> Communication Types >> show the column Duplicate.  Before changing this field, review why it was marked this way in the first place.

  • Jenny Wood

    Account Code is a mandatory field but there is nothing that indicates what this should be/an example of format?

  • Sharon Whitehall

    You can have the system automatically assign the account code by setting system parameter ACT 102 with an alphanumeric value to 'Y'.

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