
Select Template Wildcards Button Not Available in Word Merge Template



  • Sam Brown

    Still doesn't work.  Any other suggestions?

  • Is the toolbar not showing at all? Or is the wildcards icon simply grayed out?

  • Sam Brown

    Simply grayed out.  

  • Here are a couple of common issues;

    -You started a new Worddocument directly from Word (this will not work, you need to create the word document in Ungerboeck)

    -You didn't tick the "merge" box in Ungerboeck

    -Your default Word document is .doc (it needs to be .docx)

    Any of that sort your problem?

  • Vera Geusebroek

    Hi Lee, I've just implemented the Offie Add Inn. Where can I find the "merge"option . All other items are ok.

  • Vera Geusebroek

    Hi, I found it. You have to Add the document in the Account Template folder.


  • Nina Dennison

    How do you find where the Wildcards connect to each area of an Event or other Subject areas?? 

  • Dustin Banks

    All wildcards that you see are just columns you can show on the subject. It is dictionary enabled so its the same name you would see on the layout or as a grid column. Not every column can be a wildcard. EX: A column with UDF to show a link you can click in back office. Things like that are filtered out when it doesn't make sense. 

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