
End of Support Notices



  • Linda Moyer

    This article has been updated to reflect the new Sunset Support policy.

  • Linda Moyer

    The introduction has been updated and the end of support dates for 2024.1 and 2024.2 have been added to the table.

  • Linda Moyer
    • Added the end of support date for 2024.1
    • Added the date range for end of support for 2024.3
  • Linda Moyer
    • Updated the end of support policy: Rather than 30 days, it is now 60 days after a version is released that the retiring version is out of support, and the retiring version will only get critical bug fixes.
    • Updated 2024.1 end of support date from October 20, 2024 to November 20, 2024 to align with this policy.

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