
Accounts and Contacts



  • Al Persohn

    How does the addressing logic work when

    Craig Fisher who has a personal email Address cfisher@mymail.com

    Is a contact for Dunlop where his email address is cfisher@dunlop.***

    and is a contact for Lincoln where his address is cfisher@lincon .***

    We want only one Craig Fisher but his address details to be inherited from his relationship to the parent Is this a function of Param Codes AAAC10 and AAAC15?




  • Carrie Spalding


    I’ve passed this information over to our Product Management team.  They are going to consider adding in more flexibility around email addresses.  We currently have different types of phone numbers (Direct, Personnel, and Mobile) but only home for an email address on a company/individual.

    Thank you,


  • Frank, Christine

    How do i build a sales pipeline withing accounts and contacts, meaning i would like to make a search fo example:

    All Accounts

    --> all visitor accounts (but therefore they need to have this info)

    --> all visitors within the last two events

    Or i would like to filter out all A categorie exhibitors from a certain industry that have participated in the last two events. 


    My questions is going to how i can classifiy my accounts and contacts with more searchable info and not only the affiliations and the product/and services.


    Cheers Christine 

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Christine,

    This is probably a discussion best suited for your Customer Success Manager as there are a lot of factors involved in how to best categorize and assign your accounts. I'll reach out to your CSM and ask him to set up some time to discuss the right solution for you.



  • Heather Gruppelaar

    I work for a University that has a Student Bar, which we the Events Team manage. I need to set up multiple different "Bands" (some who get paid some who do not) who perform at our Student Bar at the University). I am not sure where to set these up, would they be classed as "contractors" ie set up as a "resource" and attached to a "price list", or another way?

  • Frank, Christine

    Hey Heather,

    as far as i understood it right you have a event (student bar) where you have different time slots for bands playing.

    I would set them up in functions, so each band playing is grouped in a function. Like this you can also manage your timetable for the event.

    Don´t know if that helps you, but this came to my mind reading your question.


    Greatings Christine



  • Maggie U.

    Hi Heather,

    I'd recommend setting them as Supplier Accounts (https://supportcenter.ungerboeck.com/hc/en-us/articles/204561278-Suppliers). If you own the Accounts Payable module, you can then issue payment through the voucher process.


  • Gavin Gilmartin

    Can you change the account code of an account?

  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Gavin,

    I would recommend going to (https://supportcenter.ungerboeck.com/hc/en-us/articles/211175218-Auto-Generated-Account-Codes-for-Accounts) for more information. Once an account or contact has been generated in the system the account code is locked down and not editable. 

    I hope this helps. 



  • Mirko Harrison-Gall

    Good Morning,

    Is there any logic in the CRM why the following happens?

    Field Account Rep (EV870_REP_CODE) - not in sync on Accounts/Contacts

    Field Account Rep2 & Account Rep3 (EV870_REP_CODE_2/EV870_REP_CODE_3) - these are in sync on Accounts/Contacts

    Thank you,


  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Mirko,

    Can you explain what you mean by the Account Rep field not being in sync for accounts and contacts?



  • Mirko Harrison-Gall

    Hi Ryan,

    If there is a a change of the Acc. Rep on Acc. level it does not update/change the Acc. Rep at the Contact. The other fields have the sync behavior. Change of the Acc. Rep2/3 at the Account / it changes the field on Contact level.




  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Mirko,

    Yes, I just tested this on my end and am receiving the same behavior as you are for Account Rep field not syncing correctly from the account to a contact tied to it. This appears to be a bug and have I reported it to our Development team for review. Once the issue has been resolved by them and tested by Quality I will update this thread to let you know which version the fix has been patched to. Thank you for letting us know so we can get this corrected.


  • Samuel Riggenbach

    Hello :-)

    is there somewhere a tutorial/instruction how to change an adress of an account? after register a new account and storing an adress, the adress can't be change anymore. Is it an issue of my user-rights?

    thanks a lot for your help -
    greets, Samuel

  • Mirko Harrison-Gall

    Hi Samuel,

    -> Main Menu

    -> Organization Parameters

    -> check on Parameter AA261 -> the value should be set to "N"

    Fingers crossed.


  • Samuel Riggenbach

    Dear Mirko -

    thanks a lot! I found the Parameter, it was and is on "N"... 



  • Nina Dennison

    How do you REMOVE duplicate accounts or unwanted accounts?  The merge process isn't always viable because we want to clear out old information. 

  • Samuel Riggenbach

    Dear Nina,

    thanks for your reply.

    No > in the moment we just want to update the adress, i.e. the street. When I click into the adress-field and write a new street, after storing the field is empty again (or has the old value).

  • Samuel Riggenbach

    any ideas?...

  • Mirko Harrison-Gall

    Hi Samuel,

    ich habe versucht das Verhalten nachzuvollziehen, ohne Erfolg. Meine Empfehlung ist ein Ticket einzureichen. Mich würde interessieren was die Lösung am Ende dafür ist.



  • Samuel Riggenbach

    Lieber Mirko - danke vielmals! das haben wir gestern noch gemacht. Liebe Grüsse, Samuel

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