
Copy Service Orders



  • Keegan Flannigan

    This must be for a different version than we're using. Is there a way to duplicate service orders in v19.7?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Keegan,

    I apologize for the delay in my response. Service orders can be copied in version 19 from the Event Service Orders screen (Event Management & Coordination -> Event Master -> Select the event -> Click the Service Orders icon at the top of the screen).

    Select the service order(s) to be copied, right-click and select Copy Order(s). The options on the Copy Order(s) screen in v19 are the same as what is available in v20. Click OK and your new orders will be created.


  • Keegan Flannigan

    Thanks, Maggie--this helped me realize that I was on the Items tab in the Service Order page. It totally works as promised when looking at the Orders tab.

  • Tom Meersman

    Can we copy a service order from one exhibitor to another exhibitor?

  • Eric Lowe

    We do not have a direct feature to copy orders from 1 exhibitor to another, but you can copy orders with copy event, where the exhibitor and the orders get copied also.

    In 20.8, you can move orders from one exhibitor to another (as long as they are the same account and you are not trying to move 2 booth orders to same exhibitor since exhibitors can only have 1 booth order).

    What exactly are you trying to accomplish?  Maybe I can help provide a workflow to help accomplish your goal. 




  • Michael Patterson

    In v.20 you can not copy a Fulfillment Order direct from the Account screen.

    If you have a standard monthly charge that you need to invoice it is easy to just copy the previous months Fulfillment Order.  This was easy in v.19 but doesn't seem to be an option in v.20 - why was this functionality removed? 

    As a longer work around you can do this via Invoice Fulfillments - All (v19).  Or is there a better process?  I haven't been able to find any notes on this.





  • Maggie U.

    Hi Michael,

    Apologies for the late reply.  Please submit a case to our Client Care Team so they can request to have Development add the Copy option for fulfillment orders.  The menu option will still open the v19 Copy screen but it will be much more streamlined for you to have it available from the Fulfillment Orders tab on the Accounts screen.


  • Kris Corrigan

    Can you copy an service to a forecast order, i have copied an order but cant find the item phase to copy this back to forecast.



  • Maggie U.

    Hi Kris,

    The order phase isn't available on the Copy Order process, only when copying an event.


  • Kris Corrigan

    Hi Maggie

    Just to clarify the order phase is available when copying from a forecast order to a service order though so why cant this be the other way around.



  • Maggie U.

    Hi Kris,

    Order phase isn't available when copying a service order.  It's available when copying a forecast order so it can be easily moved into a revised forecast order or a service order.  We haven't received requests for copying a service order to a forecast order on a one-up basis as generally once the service order is created, it is past the forecasting stage and it's not necessary to move the order back to the forecasting phase.



  • Permanently deleted user


    When copying an Order between Events, why does the Account on the original order carry over to the new order - as opposed to adopting the account of the destination event?  

    Or am I missing an obvious-yet-hidden option?!


  • Maggie U.

    Hi Zak,

    I don't have a reason as to why the original account carries over - only just that this behavior has been the same since the ability to copy orders between events was put in.  After copying the order, the account can be updated if necessary.


  • Permanently deleted user

    Thanks, Maggie.

    I realize the account can be updated after copying the order, but if you're batch-copying a number of orders, you now have a series of orders with the wrong account information and there's then no way to update the account on all of them (Account is not an option under Edit Multiple).

    Sounds like I need to put in an enhancement request...?!


  • Maggie U.

    Hi Zak,

    I understand your scenario and can see how this is labor intensive.  Please submit an enhancement request.



  • Peter Wallace

    In version 20.8 I am having trouble copying multiple service orders at once.


    Is it the same where we click on one order hold control and click the other and then copy?


    That how it was done in Version 19.8.  We have recently made the switch.


    Thanks in advance for your reply.



  • Maggie U.

    Hi Peter,

    You can use Shift+Click to select a group of orders or Ctrl+Click to select orders individually. 


  • Jill Zung

    Some of our users have been copying functions and orders quite a bit over the last two months. Typically it’s copying functions and orders from last year’s event to this year's event so the event name doesn't change.  Yesterday, a user noticed that the orders he copied from Event A were keeping the Event A's name in the Order Header in Event B. It doesn't seem to be affecting anything but doesn't look right on the screen. 

    We're behind the times and still using 20.9F so is this a something that has been corrected in newer versions?  

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Jill,

    I did some testing on my end and I wasn't able to replicate this problem. There are lots of different ways to copy orders though so I could be using a different workflow. If you upgrade and you still see this happening, enter a ticket with our Client Care Team with the steps you use to create these new orders and they can get it sent over to our Development Team.



  • Megan Eve

    When I copy service orders to another event the unit charge does not copy over on most items. There are a few resources that the unit charge does carry over.  Why is that? Is there a way to have unit charge copy over every time?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Megan,

    It may be that the Price List being used on the new order doesn't have those items on it or that it doesn't have pricing for those items. Double-check the price list and see if that is the problem.



  • Megan Eve

    ahh that makes sense. thank you

  • Mirko Harrison-Gall


    we are currently on V96.E. If we going to copy a service order and using the the option: 

    • Peg Dates & Times to Target Function - Defaults the service order item dates and times to the selected function dates and times.

    It actually does not default the end time of the items based on the target function. Is this a normal behavior?

    So in fact, if we copying a SO from a function with a start time 09:00 am and end time 01:00 pm = 4 hours and the items at the linked service order having the same time -> and we are going to process the copy to a function with a start time of 08:00 am and end time 09:00 am the service order items have been adjusted just with the start time = all items start at 08:00 am but ending (4 hours later) at noon. So there is no warning message and the items are also out of the time range of the function. This causes us a major issue with the operation.

    Thanks for looking at this behavior.


  • Beth Correnti

    Hi Mirko,

    I have tested this in .96F, and I see the same behavior. I checked with Development, and this is the expected behavior when using the Peg to Target Function option. The pegging options (Peg to Target Function and Peg Dates/Times) only look at the Start Date and Start Time of the service order item on the original service order and retain the original item duration.

    If you do not need the original item's duration, I'd recommend using the Set Dates and Set Times option so that you can specify the exact start and end date and times for the copied service order items. There is currently no functionality to copy order items to the exact target function's start and end date/time; that would be something for Product Mgmt to determine if that's worth enhancing.

    Beth C.

  • Gavin Gilmartin

    When using the copy function, is there a way it can create more than one copy at a time?

  • Sam Wilson

    Hello Gavin,

    Yes, the Copy service order function can create more than 1 copy at a time, and this works even if selecting multiple service orders to copy.

    If working from the Service Orders tab of the event, the process would be...

    1. Select 1 or more service orders to be copied.
    2. Right-click on a highlighted order, go to Tools, then click Copy. The Copy Orders window will display.
    3. Use the Ctrl or Shift keys along with your mouse to select multiple individual target functions or a range of target functions, then click OK.

    The order(s) will be copied to the selected functions.



  • Dale King

    Reading through this thread a number of years ago  - a request (and potentially and enhancement request ) was submitted for when Orders are being copied to have the Order Account and Bill To inherit the information from the Event / Function Level being copied to.

    We're on 23.1 and when copying Orders the Account and Bill To information is still coming from the Original Order rather than the Event/ Function being copied to 

    ....and so there is a second manual step to edit the copied Order and changed the Account /Bill To information after the Orders have been copied 

    Why don't the Copied Orders inherit the Account/ Bill to information from the Event they are being copied to ?

    Has this functionality been included and I've missed it?

    If not when will this be available?


  • Jennifer McCrea

    I agree with this, it would be very helpful if the copied order was able to take the event account and bill to information that it is being copied to. Having to do that last step manually can cause errors when people forget.

  • Michelle Herson

    We also agree with Dale.

  • Michelle Herson

    Following up on Maggie's comment from 4 years ago, "It may be that the Price List being used on the new order doesn't have those items on it or that it doesn't have pricing for those items."

    If you copy a service order and select to use the destination event price list, and that price list no longer has one of the items, what should happen?  We are finding that the item still appears on the new service order.  We also are finding if we have changed the name of an item on the new price list (the destination event price list), the item name isn't updated in the newly created order.  

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