
Delete a Service Order Item



  • Hilda Samuels

    Is there any option to select and delete multiple Service Order Items 

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Hilda,

    You can select multiple items by using Ctrl-Click or Shift-Click and then right-clicking and selecting Mark for Delete.



  • NS

    Hi Maggie,

    In version 20.95 C. If delete all Service Order Items under Service Orders, it means that Service Orders also delete from Event. Is it correct process for this actions?


    Noppawan S.

  • Maggie U.


    If you delete all the service order items on a service order and there are no more items, actual items or payments on the order, you receive a prompt asking if you want to delete the order. If there is a payment or actual items, then the order items are deleted but the service order remains.

    I tested this in v20.95 D and checked out a few different workflows and didn't come across an order being deleted without receiving the prompt first. I'd recommend applying the latest service release (D) and running through your process to see if you receive the prompt. If you don't, post your steps here and I can check to see what happens in my test database.

    Let me know how it goes!



  • NS

    Hi Maggie,

    I got it.




  • Theresa Gorman

    Note that you need parameter BK079 turned on to delete empty booking orders

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