
Release Notes: What's New in 2024.1



  • Linda Moyer

    A link to the Booking Roles and Space Classes article has been added in the Online Space Booking: Booking Roles section.

  • Linda Moyer
    • Links to updated knowledge base articles added to the Changed: Access Privilege Retired and Improved: Payment Portal sections.
    • In Improved, added new Access Privilege and Global Behavior sections.

    In your browser, click CTRL+F and search for + (the plus sign) to more easily find the new items.

  • Linda Moyer
    • Manage Events Across Time Zones: A section has been added for the changes to Online Event Ordering.
    • Additional links to updated documentation have been added.

    In your browser, click CTRL+F and search for + or * to more easily find the new and updated items.

  • Linda Moyer

    Added information about a new organization parameter to the "Changed" section.

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