Adding a Job/Task through the blue 'Add' button, located at the top right of the Jobs,Incidents and Logs page, will open a modal, allowing you to add all details when creating a new item. This also applies when selecting the 'Add Details' button through the Quick Add functionality.
Within the first page, the Jobs modal will ask you to enter the following fields;
Title*: The name of the Job, EG: 'Broken Chair', 'Fire Safety Checks' or 'End of Day Report'
Type*: Different Job types can be created to differentiate between the tasks/jobs within your WeTrack system - more information can be found here
Status: Statuses help track how a job is progressing, the options are; New, In Progress, Slipped or Complete
Category: To help with reporting structure, categories can be added to jobs/tasks. More information here
Headline Status: The latest/most important update regarding this job
Description: More details regarding this job/task
Once the Title and Type has been added, by clicking 'Add Details', you'll be brought the next page;
Owner(s): Individuals responsible for this job/task. Multiple owners can be assigned, and will be notified via an email/ the notification centre once the job has been created
Department(s): Departments/Functional Areas who are responsible for the job/task. Multiple departments can be assigned, and a main department can be added to a job by clicking on the star icon next to the name
Privacy Status: If your user has access to certain/all confidentiality types, the job can be marked as so, here.
Priority: Priority of up to 3 stars can be determined through this field
Start: If the job/task is due to start on a certain date, this can be set up here
Due: If the job/task is due to be completed on a certain date, this can be set up here
Once the relevant information has been added, you can then select where this job is happening -
Once saved, this will create the job, and automatically add any checklists associated with that job category
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