Indicators are the things to be tracked within the sustainability module, such as 'Monthly Carbon Emissions'. As part of creating an indicator, you create targets to be achieved at fixed points in the future, and the frequency at which you will track towards them.
Targets are created when creating an Indicator, and can be either 'Numeric' or 'Pass or Fail'. If 'Numeric', users select a unit of measurement and will input a numeric value for each update. If 'Pass or Fail', users simply select either Pass or Fail for each update.
When an update is due, the owner(s) of the indicator will be notified. Updates can be made in the Indicator Details Page, by clicking 'Add Update' at the top of the page.
Your updates can be tracked within the Progress tab of the Indicator Details Page. Here, you can see in both chart and list form how you are tracking against your targets.
You can also see a focused view of your targets in the Targets tab, showing which targets you have achieved and the dates that you achieved them.
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