An incident can either be added through the 'Quick Add' functionality (full information here), or through the blue 'Add' button at the top right of the Incident, Log or Jobs page.
Alternatively, full details of an incident can be added through the 'Quick Add' functionality by simply clicking on the 'Add Details' option (pictured below)
When adding an incident through this option;
Select a category this applies to - EG: Fire
The title will auto populate to include the incident category and date, you can change this by clicking on the title field
By default the incident will be automatically assigned to the user creating it and their department/FA - both of these can be removed by unchecking the options
Select 'More Details' & this pop up will appear:
Select the Incident Severity
Amend the Title if necessary and fill in the further details.
The Category should be auto-filled but can be changed
Select the Start & End Time if applicable
Choose a Zone and/or Area and then input a precise location to help others get to the scene more efficiently. Locations can be found in 3 ways:
Geolocating to your current position (best if you are on a mobile device);
Searching for an address or place using Google Maps;
Searching for a location using what3words.
To use these different location searches, choose the option you need from the search bar on the map by clicking the dropdown arrow, and select either Google Maps or what3words.
You can then upload any photos or relevant documents as needed, and then assign the Incident to a Department and/or Action Owner.
Create your Incident as a draft, or click Confirm to create the Incident. It will then appear in the system and be visible in the Incident List.
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