It has been Public Holiday season where we are working but there have still been plenty of important changes in WeTrack.
Readiness Updates
Even more changes came to the Readiness module in this cycle, including:
Notification emails telling Readiness users about changes to their Capabilities and Evaluations;
Evaluation reminder emails telling the people carrying out evaluations when those evaluations are about to happen, as well as when they haven't submitted past evaluations;
A cleaner workflow on the Evaluation Details Page, offering clearer guidance to your testing team on what they need to do, and in what order;
Date filtering on the Live Tracker to let you see what is happening for today's testing activities, or for a different set of dates.
Reporting Power-Ups
We know that reporting happens in many formats... Now when you select an extra row on a report, such as to show comments and RAG updates on a task report, or to show debrief notes on a Readiness activity report, the information in that extra row will be included as a column on XLSX exports.
This update also brings improved risk reporting with the option to only show incomplete actions in the extra row on risk reports, as well as to filter by action due date, owner, type and status on risk and action reports.
Other updates and fixes
Easier navigation if your account only uses the Control module.
Fixes and improvements to make updating dates and other attributes even easier.
Hiding empty task groups from the Planning List to help you focus on what really matters (don't worry - they can still be found in project pages...)
When deleting a task group, you will now be told how many tasks will be deleted as a result and asked to enter a code to confirm. We agree that this was a little too easy before!
Dashboard layout and styling improvements... have you tried rearranging your dashboard yet?
Fixes around authentication - if you've been seeing an 'Unauthorised' message when you weren't expecting to, you shouldn't now.
Task Group RAGs were very occasionally showing incorrectly - this is now fixed.
And plenty more small fixes and improvements.
We would love to hear what you think of these changes and any other aspect of WeTrack. Please contact us to speak to one of the team!
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