
Inactivate, Hide or Delete Accounts and Contacts



  • The "Account Purge Validation" step seems unnecessary (i.e. I was able to simply mark an account as "Not Applicable" then delete it from the "Purge Accounts" window). Is there anyway to force this step? We are trying to prevent accounts being deleted but there doesn't appear to be an access privilege for it!

  • Carrie Spalding


    The Purge Validation process is not required to purge an account. It can be used to indicate which accounts are candidates to be deleted/purged. The validation runs for both orphaned and active accounts.

    When you attempt to purge account, there are certain checks that occur that prevent you from deleting an account. This includes whether it has AR, is an event account, etc….

    I don’t believe we have security on the Purge/Delete Account process.

    Thank you!


  • R.C. Chancy

    I need to know how to remove one contact from an account, without removing it from other accounts or making the it completely inactive in EBMS

  • Maggie U.

    Hi R.C.,

    Please see the following article for how to remove a relationship between an account and contact.



  • Eileen Durand

    hello, we have an exhibitor record on an event that when we click the account record for it, it is coming up as archived so that it cannot be edited.  can someone please let me know how I can access that archived account?  thank you, Eileen

  • Kaitlyn Batliner

    Hello Eileen,

    To access an archived account, you would need to go to the Main Menu and go to Purge Accounts (v19). On the Purge Accounts window, search for the archived account. Double click on the archived account (or right click) and click Edit Account. On the Edit Archived Account window, you will need to make the account active in at least one designation for the account to be editable. After you click Ok, you will then be able to edit the account.

    Have a great day!


  • Jen Bundred

    I have reviewed the following, however, "Not Applicable" is not showing as a Account Status designation. Is there a way to add this designation as a drop down choice?

    Removing Accounts or Contacts

    If you would like to remove an account or contact from displaying on the Accounts or Contacts screen for a designation, then you need to update the status to Not Applicable.  If all designations for an account or contact are set to Not Applicable, then the account or contact will be moved to the Purge Accounts screen.  The account or contact information is still retained at this point but the account or contact will no longer be displayed on any Accounts screen.  To set the account or contact status to Not Applicable, follow the below steps:



  • Carrie Spalding


    You can view and change the Account Status values on the Account Status window.  You can't delete them, but you can rename them. Your organization may have renamed it.  To help you determine which status was renamed, Not Applicable is normally listed as Weight, and Status, of "0."



  • Kris Corrigan


    How can we easily make the EV870_status of a contact inactive, we have made a contact's event sales status not applicable but this still can be chosen as a contact for an event and this is due to the EV870 Status still having an active status.



  • Hi Kris, you will need to set all of the status/designation flags to not applicable in order for the main status to turn. 

    I am somewhat surprised the account comes up as an event contact though. I Just did a test in a v20.92 installation and all contacts seemed to appear in the contact drop-down regardless of status (even archived contacts). 

    Sounds like a bug may need raising?

    Let us know how you get on.

  • Kris Corrigan

    Thanks Lee

    I've made all designations not applicable and this has made the contact also not applicable which is good, however after testing this in 20.90 L the latest service release in our test environment the contact can still be chosen for an event.

    I will raise a call in the meantime.



  • Gavin Gilmartin

    I was hoping to use Account Purge Validation to identify all the accounts to be anonymised (complying with GDPR). I would then use the Edit Multiple on the Purge Accounts window to anonymise the data in the relevant fields. The problem I have is that the Edit Multiple window only displays the Purge Indicator field and not the PII I need to anonymise.

    Does anyone have any ideas how I can anonymise this data without upgrading to 20.93.

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Gavin,

    The ability to anonymize accounts will be in v20.93 only. With the complexities involved in the process, it unfortunately isn't something that can be put into earlier versions.


  • Gavin Gilmartin

    Hi Maggie,

    We are now on 20.93bx5 however I can't see any guide on how to anonymise contacts. Can you provide clarification?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Gavin,

    This is still in development and is expected in a later Service Release for v20.93. I will make sure that I update this post though when I know when it will be available. 



  • Gavin Gilmartin

    Can it be expected soon? How close is it to release? We are dependent upon it for GDPR compliance.

  • Mike Johnson

    We are still in the process of adding this feature.  We want to make sure it meets the needs of our customers and GDPR.  There is also an extensive testing process involved with this change.  I will post an update when we have a clearer picture of its delivery.

  • Silke Spreitzenbarth

    Hi Maggie,

    is it already possible to anonymise contacts? We are in 20.94H and I can't find this feature.

    Thank you,


  • Erin Luber

    Hi Silke,

    This feature will be available in an upcoming service release of .95. I will follow-up with you here when it's released. 

    Thank you,


  • Sean Tame

    @... Similar to the information recently added to the Purge Events document, can we please have the same for the Accounts/Contacts purge?  ie - what information is purged with the Account?


  • Maggie U.

    I'll put a request in to our Development Team. There may be a delay with the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday and preparations for the upcoming release but I'll update the article when I have the information.



  • Maggie U.

    Hi Sean,

    This information has been added to the article.



  • Sean Tame

    Magic - thanks!

  • Beverly Lamberson

    Forgive me if I posted this already but I cannot find it. 1. What happens to the bookings when you purge/delete the associated accounts?  2. Any advice for doing purge/delete to implement data retention policies? How are you determining the 'age'  - the 'last use' of an account since not everything results in automatic date stamping of record? E.g., updating products/services doesn't change 'last changed date' nor does it automatically generate an 'activity'. Thanks.

  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Beverly,

    I apologize for the delayed response. You are not able to delete an account or even a contact that is used as an event account, event contact, order account or order contact. You would have to go to those events or orders to remove the account or contact before purging/deleting.

    As for data retention, we recommend that you reach out to your legal representative or risk management specialists. Organizations’ requirements for data retention can vary by business regulations, country, state or country regulations, tax implications, etc.

    Thank you,


  • Mag

    Hi USI Team,

    can we do mass purging of the accounts? We have a list of accounts to be deleted and just want to run it in 1 shot.

    Thank you,


  • Sean Tame
  • Joey Lynn Pinaglia

    If I inactivate an account that hasn't been used for year but still have historical data I need, will I still be able to view it?

  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Joey,

    Yes, you will still be able to view the account if inactivated as it will be in archived/orphaned accounts.

    I hope this helps. 



  • Theresa Gorman

    Is there any update on anonymising contacts?  Currently the system, in my opinion, does not comply with GDPR.

    We have contacts that are archived but unable to purge/delete as they are associated to an event, therefore that contact is still visible in the event.  These contacts have had no commercial activities in excess of 7 years so we have no legitimate interest in storing their data.  Whilst there is no Peek window in the event for the contact due to the contact being archived, you are still able to send the contact an email and see their email address.  In terms of GDPR, this means the record is still active for processing.

    We do not purge events, nor intend to so ability to anonymise is necessary.

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