
Manage Duplicate Accounts and Contacts



  • Sean Tame

    Hi Joey,

    Fields that can only have one value get 'replaced' (eg, Market Segment) and all other data is 'moved' from the duplicate (Products and Services, Orders, Communication Types etc.

  • Joey Lynn Pinaglia

    We are in the process on cleaning up our Accounts which have multiple duplicates.  I just want to confirm, when I merge accounts, will all the data (orders, events, payments, etc) all follow into the 1 account I merge them into?


  • Nina Dennison

    We've merged a few duplicated accounts and now when we import contacts that previously had an OLD Account number it's Failing to import because the old Account # is gone. We have no way of changing the account number from the contact, why won't the system use the Merged account number to add the contact info on an Import??

  • Ryan Canny


    This would be System Administration feature.

  • Michelle Herson

    Hi Ryan,

    Do you know which Admin Feature?  This user has the majority of them.


  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Michelle,

    I checked with our Product Management team and Merge Accounts off the main menu is tied to admin features. You will want to check if she has admin features.

    I hope this helps.



  • Michelle Herson

    A user doesn't have the option for "Merge Accounts" when she searches main menu.  How can I add this for her?  She has access to merge accounts.


  • Joey Lynn Pinaglia

    Thank you all good now. 

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Joey,

    Sorry for the delay. I was checking on a few different things. I would assume you have an action restriction on the Merge Accounts action. You can use the Role Access screen from the Main Menu and filter to this action to see if there is a Deny on any of the roles assigned to your user.



  • Joey Lynn Pinaglia

    Just realized I have 30.96D for production and 30.97A in test and I can't get it in either.

  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Joey,

    Can you let me know what current version of Ungerboeck you are on? I have looked at all versions and the Merge Accounts action is there and functioning as intended. 



  • Joey Lynn Pinaglia

    Followed the instructions, but when I select tools, I don't have the merge option.   

  • Sean Tame

    Looks to be amongst the last few things to be converted from v19 to v20.  Would be nice to have a final push and have these all completed.

  • Rebecca Perry

    Hi Sean,

    Yep, that's the functionality I was looking for in V20?

  • Sean Tame

    Hi Rebecca,

    Are you talking about the Account Merge (v19) utility? 

    When using the 'by Date Range' and 'by Account Search' options you can identify potential duplicates in a bulk fashion.



  • Rebecca Perry

    Thanks Maggie,
    Is there a way of identifying possible duplicates in V20, similar to how it does in V19?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Rebecca,

    The Account Merge process is a one-up process in both v19 and v20. Although there are slight changes in how you select the account, the process is overall pretty similar between the two versions.


  • Rebecca Perry

    Looking for an article that explains the v19 Account merge process rather then the one-up.

    It appears it is more of a bulk process?

  • Carrie Spalding

    Jill, my apologies at the late reply!

    I reached out to our consulting team, and Lee and Sean are correct - the process is solid and you should be fine.  One note from the team, however: We'd recommend taking note of any phone number or address discrepancies to make sure that the final retained account record has the most current info. 

    If I receive any other feedback, I'll update my response.



  • It's pretty solid, but if you ever make a mistake your life will likely be hell. It's rather irreversible;

    -The account can be restored (as long as you haven't purged it)
    -It's likely you'll never know which of the "objects" (relationships, diary entries, orders, opportunities, notes, issues etc) were originally linked to the merger/mergee

    Many of us found this out the hard way.

    Good luck!

  • Sean Tame

    Hi Jill,

    (a bit late I know...) The one-up account merge process is fairly solid so you should be fine to do it whenever.  The sooner the better I would have thought.

  • Jill Zung

    Anyone have any tips/best practices for merging duplicate accounts?  

    Our Sales team added a duplicate client account last month for an event happening this week (1/12-13/2017). I merged the accounts in our Test database and it went smoothly. Everything looks correct.

    Would it be better to wait until after the event has been settled by our Fiscal team?  Or is it better to do it now?  I would wait until the end of the day after everyone has left to merge the accounts since users are still adding information to the event. 

  • Carrie Spalding

    Ricardo, take a look at this article and its' attached table and let me know if that doesn't cover what you're looking for.  https://supportcenter.ungerboeck.com/hc/en-us/articles/215595448

    Thank you!


  • Permanently deleted user

    Can you clarify what info (if any) is overwritten or lost of the Merge Into account when merged (or what Merge From account info cannot be transferred e.g. events, payments, service orders)?

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