
Price Lists



  • Paul Garcia

    but where do you set the dates of advance and late pricing?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Paul,

    You set the dates of advance and late pricing on the event (Edit Event screen - Early Deadline and Standard Deadline fields). Or in the case of registration, on the registration set up for the event (Early Price Deadline and Standard Price Deadline on Registration Setup screen).


  • Tony Costantino (DeBartolo Performing Arts Center)

    Can you elaborate on the usefulness of the 'Header Only' checkbox when adding a price list item? Now that v20 allows you to create views to group on Resource Type, is it necessary or even a recommended practice any longer to use 'Headers' in price lists?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Anthony,

    Headers are helpful when you want to group items that are within a resource type. Some organizations have their resource types be more general, such as Beverages, and then use Headers to divide up the items within the resource type, such as Soft Drinks, Alcohol and Juice. However, some organizations configure their resource types to be more specific (Soft Drinks, Alcohol and Juice) so Headers are not necessary in that case.


  • Marco Yrivarren


    I see the option to Export to Excel a Price List (or selected entries). Is there a way to Import from Excel selected items into a price list?

    I would like to copy a few forms / items from our Production environment into our TEST environment.



  • Theresa Gorman

    Is it possible to change the currency on a price list?

  • Sam Wilson

    Hi Marco,

    Importing (Adding) items to a price list from Excel is not supported. 



  • Sam Wilson

    Hi Theresa,

    The currency for a price list is set when the new price list is created. It cannot be changed after performing the initial save during that process.

    Your next best option is to copy the current price list and change the currency during the copy process. This is the standard approach for clients that support multiple currencies. 



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