
Configure User Defined Fields (UDFs)/Custom Field Sets



  • Permanently deleted user


    I have followed the steps and created a few UDF's on Add Fulfillment Order screen. However, I don't see them appearing under Show Columns. I'm not sure if I'm missing anything in the setup

  • Maggie U.


    The user fields will not show on that screen.  They will show on the fulfillment order screens but not the work order screens.



  • Mary Jo Oliver

    Is it possible to have a custom field that allows the registrant to choose more that than one field? Such as choose all that apply.

  • Carrie Spalding

    Mary Jo,

    When you are creating the custom fields you have the ability to select "allow multiple values," which will allow the registrant to choose more than one answer.  It should be available under "Advanced" on the Add Custom Field window.



  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi Maggie

    Following on from your advice re creating UDF's for resources through the Purchaing/Inventory Module - what if we don't have the Purchasing/Inventory module?  Does that then mean we're unable to create UDF's for Resources? 

    Just checking!

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Jerry,

    Because the Inventory/Purchasing Issue Types screen in part of the Inventory and Purchasing modules, you do need to own one of those modules for the resource UDF's.



  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi Maggie

    So that's a "No" then, we can't create Resource UDF's if you don't have the Purchasing/Inventory modules!

    Seems odd as resources are used across many modules of the system!

    Would be great if this was looked into!


  • Maggie U.

    Hi Jerry,

    I have raised this to our Product Management Team for further discussion. 



  • Kris Corrigan

    Ref Custom Fields

    I have entered in a custom field using DATEDIF for 2 date fields within opportunities, 1 date field is a UDF the other is the date field within opportunities and I am returning a '0' value 

    Below is the formula with a 'Numeric' Data type

    DATEDIF({Date}, {Completion Date - Service Desk},"d")

    Any ideas why this is returning a 0 value?


  • Carrie Spalding


    Can you send screenshots of the configuration for us to replicate and test?



  • Kris Corrigan

    HI Carrie

    Below in red is the fields I am referring to, the date field is within the opportunities, the completed date is a UDF field with a 'Type' of Date.

    As you can see from the 1st screen below the date diff formula of 'Date' and' Completed date' with the return value of Date Difference as '0'


  • Carrie Spalding

    Kris, try this:

  • Kris Corrigan

    Still not working


  • Kris Corrigan

    Hi Carrie I have tested this in a later version and this is working.

    Answer to my question, we need to upgrade to .90

    Thanks for your help

  • Maggie U.


    We have made changes so there is now a Resource/Inventory/Purchasing Issue Types screen.  This screen is now available if you don't own Purchasing or Inventory so you can configure resource UDFs.  The process for configuring them through the minor groups still applies but you now have access to the screen to create the UDF sets.



  • Permanently deleted user

    @Maggie - that's great news, thank you! Will this be in an upcoming version?

  • Kieron Marshall

    @Maggie, This is fantastic news, and will be very interested in this. I hope its in the next release?

  • Maggie U.

    It is in v20.9E.


  • Kieron Marshall

    Thanks Maggie, tested in 20.9E now and looks good.

  • Simon Scheuerle

    Hi, is there a way to create a UDF with more than 255 characters?



  • Hi Simon, i'm fairly confident it isn't but depending on what you are trying to achieve inline notes may be of help (there are a few articles on here about them if you're not already familiar).


  • Kris Corrigan


    Any update on adding a UDF to a service order this being available within edit layout screen.

    Within the event management config it allows you to choose the UDF type for orders but they aren't available for selection.



  • Simon Scheuerle

    Thanks Lee,

    the notes are displayed in the form, but I can't display the info in a list. In this case, I try to deposit information about the catering of an event (just text, no service order items). Then I export the list of all events, that need catering and send the list to our caterer. I couldn't manage to integrate the notes-field into the list. If that was possible, inline-notes were the solution. I'm also fairly confident that UDFs are restricted in size, as their database-fields are nvarchar(255).

    Any other ideas?


  • Maggie U.

    @Simon - Yes, 255 is the character limit on a UDF.  You do have the ability to show a note on the Events screen, Work Orders screen and Work Order Items screen, would one of those help get what you need?




    @Kris - I'm checking on the answer for your question and will reply as soon as I have it.

  • Simon Scheuerle

    Hi Maggie!

    thanks for that information, it's working fine and very close to what I need. Is it possible to display a note like that in the room-bookings-list? That would be really helpful. Unfortunately, in the room-bookings, I can't display the event-note-field (which would be most helpful), only the room-booking-notes, and with them, there's only the note-sign, which is exported as "1" or "0". Is there any way to display the content of a note in the room-bookings-list? Similar to the work-orders(-items) and events?



  • Maggie U.

    @Simon - This isn't available on the Booking screen.  Please enter an enhancement request with your business case for our Product Management Team to review for a future release.

    @Kris - This hasn't been added to the Roadmap at this time.


  • Simon Scheuerle

    Thanks, Maggie, 

    I have entered the request.

    Best, Simon

  • Kris Corrigan


    Is it possible to add date field into the layout for a requisition? we would like to add a 'collection date'.



  • Maggie U.

    Hi Kris,

    You can do this with a user defined field.  See this article for configuring user defined fields for requisitions/purchase orders. 



  • Sean Tame

    Hi Kris,

    DO you have access to In/Out dates on the Requisition?  This is controlled by a checkbox to enable and then you set the In/Out dates and times.  Primarily for equipment hire but can be used for contractors etc.

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