
Configure User Defined Fields (UDFs)/Custom Field Sets



  • Carissa Smith

    How can I have a Numeric UDF so that it can be Grouped and Totaled? I need to add a dollar amount with cents and if I select Alphanumeric I am not able to Group & Total.... but when I select Numeric I'm not able to add a period in to add cents (for example, the UDF needs to read 7649.20)

  • When selecting numeric you should have an option to set the number of decimal places?

    This should allow sorting and grouping with totals.

    If you want to add currency symbol etc, I think you'll need to create a formula field which adds the prefix/suffix.


  • Carissa Smith

    I was looking for the decimal places. Where is that setting located?

  • Carissa Smith

    nevermind, found it on show columns. Thanks!

  • Jasmine Johnson


    I have successfully configured several alphanumeric & url UDFs, however my 4 customer types (for host, delegate, etc.) aren't appearing in OSB. From the back-office Events window, I'm able to select the host UDF from our existing contact/account records. In the Content Builder Layouts window, these fields aren't available to pull into OSB. Is this an inherent limitation of customer UDFs?

    Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    - Jasmine

  • Dave Segasture

    Hi Jasmine:  Apologies, but I can't determine from your information if the Custom Fields/UDFs you've added should be considered Event UDFs or Account or Contact UDFs.

    OSB allows for the use of Custom Fields - aka UDFs - but, where specific UDFs can be applied/displayed within an OSB is defined by a number of factors in the configuration. 

    Note: There are some limitations related to Event Custom Fields / UDFs - currently, OSB does not support Dependendent UDFs, nor Multi-Select Drop-Down Validation Event UDFs.

    There are 3 types of UDFs that can be applied to OSB, Account, Contact, and Event. 

    Account or Contact-based Custom Fields (UDFs) - are added to your OSB configuration via your OSBs Account Configuration (Account Management Configuration). The Opportunity Type sets themselves are defined on the Main Menu > Marketing > Event CRM/ Administration > Event Sales Configuration screen > General Tab- where you can find/select Opportunity Type/UDF sets for both Organization Account (Account) and Individual Account (Contact) - the Custom Fields are added to those Opportunity Type Sets (Main Menu > Administration > System Administration /Administration > Opportunity Types - Event Sales)  - The Custom Fields - UDF's from these sets, can then be applied to your OSB via the selected Account Configuration (Main Menu > Administration > System Administration /Administration > Account Management Configurations). From within your Account Management Configuration, select the Additional Information Tab/Section > Edit your Form Template where you can add "Account UDF" and "Contact UDF" sections to the Form Layout. These Custom Fields will then be displayed when your User Creates or Signs-In/Manages their Account information. Information collected via these Custom Fields is then stored against the Organization or Contact Accounts themselves. 

    Event based Custom Fields are defined in the (Main Menu > Events and Operations > Event Management and Coordination / Administration > Event Management Configuration > Defaults Tab > Event User Defined Fields). The selected Opportunity Type itself is defined on (Main Menu > Administration > System Administration /Administration > Opportunity Types - Event Sales). The Event Custom Fields/UDFs are applied to your OSB Configuration via the Content Builder Layout selected for your OSB configuration. From the Content Builder (Main Menu > Administration > System Administration / Administration > Content Builder Layouts > Online Space Booking) Select/Edit your Content Builder Layout > select Event Details > click Component Settings for your OSR Event Info > click Configure > then find/select your Custom Fields by clicking Select on Select Event Info Fields. The information collected via these UDFs may be displayed on the Event in your Backoffice Ungerboeck.  

    If this doesn't help solve your issue - please add some more specific details so we'll know what to select. And/or open a Ticket with Support/Client Care. 


  • Carissa Smith

    How come adding Headers or Blanks uses one of your 50 allowable text fields under the Database Field?

  • Dave Segasture

    Carissa - because adding a Header (informational text) or even a Blank to create some separation in the screen - actually utilizes one of the 50 TXT fields. They are not accounted for separately. 

    As of today - this is how they work, discussions about how to address the 100 Field (50txt, 30Num and 20Dte) fields have been taking place for a number of years but so far development hasn't agreed upon any solution.  

  • Fionn Murray


    Is it possible to assign User Defined Fields to contracts?

  • Dave Segasture

    Fionn - at this time we do not have a way to assign User Defined Fields to Contracts - what is it you're looking for - there may be other existing fields/functions of the Contract which you might utilize. Please let us know what it is you want/need. 

  • Fionn Murray

    Hi Dave,

    Thanks for the quick response. I want to add two fields to our contracts:

    • A Contact field in which the account manager selects the CEO of the client booking the event (who may not necessarily be the point of contact the account manager was liaising with to organise the event)
    • A text field in which the account manager can infill potential strategic branding opportunities the event might offer (if any).
  • Dave Segasture

    Hi Fionn - thanks for the quick feedback:

    Many of the screens in Momentus (that's our new company name) include many additional fields you can find if you Edit Layout for the screen. 

    For your Contact Field - if you Edit the Layout of the Contract Screen you will find some additional Account/Contact fields beyond the default "Account" and "Contact" - for example -  "Company Account" and "Company Contact" you might use those to address this Point of Contact info. There are also a variety of other (Account/Contact) fields which may be added to the Layout if you don't like the "Company" ones. You could also use the Dictionary functionality in Edit Layout to re-label the field if you don't like its default description.

    For the "Text" strategic branding field - you might consider using the "Notes" Tab/Section - where you could have a specific Note Class for this kind of information - and then just direct your Account Manager to Add a Note using that Note Class to the Contract - these kinds of Notes can be added upon Contract Creation or even later - and are typically not shared in the Contract Documentation which is sent to the Client and employ our Sensitivity to further control visibility. Plus - you could use the "Find Notes" Master Screen to create reports on this kind of information - by filtering it by Date-Range and Note Class.  

    Hope this helps. 

  • Fionn Murray

    Thanks for the suggestions Dave.

  • Nina Dennison

    @Dave Segasture  is there a difference between Custom Fields and UDF's?  I found articles for both and saw that the UDF's have a limited number of each you can create. Just want to know if Custom Fields are different. 

    Also, is it possible to use One UDF or Custom Field more than once in an Event?? Example, we have multiple Days we need recorded and would like to use the UDF with a dropdown option for each line of days/times.

    Example:  Show Move-In  Days: Monday 4pm-9PM and Tuesday 8AM-12PM.  Can the Day fields be used once for Monday and then the space below that the same field for Tues? We need these to work for Wildcards as well. From what I see, we may have to use a new UDF for each day of the week to create the wildcard to match, if there's a limit on UDF's that makes it difficult to use with Wildcards for dates, times and years. 

    Create UDF Dropdown for weekdays: Monday

    Use Same UDF Dropdown for weekdays: Tuesday

    Any suggestions on how to make this work is appreciated. 

    Thank you.

  • Sean Tame

    Hi Nina,

    The use of the term "custom fields" in this article could be misleading as I think the term Custom Fields relates more these days to Formula and Summary fields which express existing data in various ways, whereas UDFs are additional date, text, numeric fields that you can give labels to and link to records such as Accounts, Events etc.

    Reading your use case above though, I would suggest you want to create a Function UDF set to store your data at the Function level, rather than the Event level so you can have multiple per event (1 for each function).

    You would create your UDF set using the instructions above and then follow the Assign User Defined Fields (UDFs) to Functions link.

  • Scott Owen Speed

    Hi there!

    I’m fairly new to Momentus, and I’m building custom forms.  I’ve created a subsection, and I’ve created two notes fields (Presale notes and Promo code).  When I change the data in one, it changes the data in the other, which I’m assuming means they’ve both been tied to the same database field.  I tried to delete and recreate one of the fields, but I get an error.  Help?Please note: This issue has been resolved.  I mistakenly assigned the fields to the same note class, so they were referencing the same data element.  

  • Linda Moyer

    Hi Scott Owen Speed! This sounds like something that our Support team should dig into. Please enter a support ticket (click Submit a Request at the top of this page) so they can take a look.

  • Mudit Dhebar

    Hi - Can we add UDF to Invoices module e.g. edit invoice screen? 



  • Jodi Webb

    Hi Mudit Dhebar

    This is an interesting idea. I would recommend adding some feedback for our Product Team to consider. Please follow this link to the Financials Product Ideas page and enter your feedback.  

    1. Click the Create a Post in this Topic button. 

    2. Complete the form and click the Submit button. 

    Warm regards, 


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