
Booking Orders



  • Kris Corrigan

    When I add bookings later this will create a new service order, how can I add this into the original service order.

  • Lily Evangelista

    Happy Friday Kris,


    It is good to hear from you! I hope all is well. I have been testing what you mentioned in separate databases and I can't replicate what you are describing. I went back to events created in 2014 and added additional bookings and these bookings were automatically added to the existing booking order; there was never an additional booking order created.

    What version are you on? Could you please submit a ticket to us and send me screen shots of what you see because I can't replicate it.

    If I don't hear from you I will find you during conference. I am so excited for the conference this is going to be the best we ever had and I am really glad you are going to attend!!

    Thank you Kris,


  • Mavis Yew


    Instead of Service Order, is it possible to auto create a Forecast Order instead?

    In our org, we will create the FO and convert to SO.

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Mavis,

    Only a service order will be created automatically for booking orders.  There isn't an option to use automatically use a forecast order as the booking order.


  • Bill Franz

    I have the same issue that Kris has above.  When I add additional space to an event the new space goes on a new service order.  It would be nice if the new space went on the same service order so we would be able to apply the payments to one service order

  • Mike Johnson

    Bill - There are a few cases when it will create a new booking order.


    1 - There are some bookings on a "firm" contract and others that are not on this contract.  In this case, you can end up with multiple booking orders.


    2 - An existing booking order is closed/invoiced/etc...  Basically, if business rules do not allow the booking order to have items added to it, a new booking order is created.

  • Lily Evangelista

    Hello Bill,


    During the User's Conference this year Kris and I worked on this issue and this is how we solved it:
    1- We removed the existing booking order from the contract
    2- We booked the additional space he needed
    3- We went back to the original contract and re-added the booking order

    I hope this helps you also,

    Have a great day!

  • Permanently deleted user

    hello Everyone,

    I have a multi day event(one event ID) spanning a few months. When I add space bookings, all of them are added to a single service order. Ideally, I would like to add them to different Service Orders, month wise. And can I add month wise Booking Functions and add the booking orders to each

    Please advise a solution 

  • Mike Johnson

    In 20.9 Patch H and above, there is the Split Order functionality.  You can use this to break your booking orders out by month.  Give that a try and see if it works.

  • Daniel Dickenson

    Hi all,


    When creating a Service Order, we have a mandatory field called "Department". Would it be possible to have this same field within Booking Service Orders and to also have the field automatically populated? 


    Thanks in advance for an information provided!

  • Americas Ungerboeck Consulting

    Daniel - some info that might help: The Department field does exist for all orders, including Booking Orders. We do have a way of setting the field to required through Field Privileges, but we do not have a way of defaulting a value in, nor do we have a way of making the value conditional based on it being a Booking Order.

    Potentially, you could use a Web Hook to accomplish this, which would be a customization. Let us know if you'd like to discuss that further. Thanks.

    Mark F

  • Sean Tame

    Hi Daniel,

    One enhancement I have been requesting for some time is a parameter that would allow the defaulting of the Order Department to that of the Personnel Department of the user entering the order.  As this is not business logic that all customers would want, the parameter would handle the situations where it was needed or left off (as it behaves today) for those that do not want this functionality.

    I would like to see a video/kb article on how to use Web Hooks to set the value of fields based on criteria - now there's a handy feature! - This might go some way to solving the "Data Dependant Layouts" requests everyone has.

  • Daniel Dickenson

    Hi and thanks for the comments.


    Quick summary: At the moment, when users add a booking, they have to fill out all the necessary details before then saving the data and then navigating to the 'Service Orders' tab in order to add the 'Department' details. This can result in the 'Department' field occasionally not being populated due to error. My aim is to have this 'Department' field auto populate for booking service orders.


    If you believe WebHooks could solve this issue then myself and Sean would be very interested especially if there are any videos/ visuals to see them implemented. 


    I do not have any previous experience with WebHooks however I have spent the morning looking at external articles as well as the 3 below on the Support Centre;

    What are Webhooks? - https://supportcenter.ungerboeck.com/hc/en-us/articles/115013301608-What-are-Webhooks-

    Webhooks in Ungerboeck - https://supportcenter.ungerboeck.com/hc/en-us/articles/115013151087-Webhooks-in-Ungerboeck

    Getting Started with Webhooks - https://supportcenter.ungerboeck.com/hc/en-us/articles/115013310048-Getting-Started-with-Webhooks 

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