
Base and Composite Spaces



  • Rachel Podolsky

    Ideally, we want the labels/names of the base spaces that make up the composite space to show up when the plus sign is clicked.  Is that possible?  

  • Rachel Podolsky

    Sorry, meant to include both images... this is when the base spaces are listed individual in the view.

    but we would like the first one to list the names, without having the individual spaces have to be part of the view (because we want it to be more user friendly for the team that will be viewing this the most).

  • Wendy Thompson

    The base space labels will only display if you select them to display on the calendar, not just by clicking the + sign on the composite space.

    You can include the Space on the peek that displays when hovering on the booking so you can see which space is booked.


  • Rachel Podolsky

    Can we request an ENHANCEMENT for the names/labels to show (perhaps indented) under the composite space, without having to add them into the list of spaces to display?

    This would really help with creating clean and compact views, without as much clutter/noise, but with the option for users to dive deeper, if desired.

    It seems counter-productive to USI best practices (regarding the recommendation we have received to reduce the number of views), to be forced to create more customize views to include base spaces that (in reality) could already be viewed by hitting the plus button, IF the name/label could be visible.

    Please!  Pretty Please! 

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Rachel Podolsky,

    We would love to have your feedback in our Venue Product Ideas: https://supportcenter.ungerboeck.com/hc/en-us/community/topics/115000551887-Venue-Product-Ideas. You can just copy and paste what you have written into a post in that forum so our Product Managers can review it for consideration in a future release.

    Thanks for sharing!


  • Sean Tame

    Hi Rachel Podolsky,

    The [+] and [-] control the detailed display of multiple bookings in the same space.  In the [-] state, the spaces are fixed to one booking display, usually with a booking counter number to show the total.  Eg, your YBCA Soc space contains 4 bookings on Fri 29.  but rather than taking up too much space you can show only the first booking with a (4) in the first character.

    If you want to show composite spaces in a collapse expand way, you would have to create space heirarchies and have the calendar set to display in that format.

  • Joey Lynn Pinaglia

    How do you change a Base space to a Composite?  When I go to edit the space I have a base/composite field but it is not editable.

  • Kaitlyn Batliner

    Hi Joey Lynn,

    Base/Composite is an computed field. When you add Components to the Space in the Components tab and Save, the field will automatically update to Composite. If no Component spaces are listed in the Components tab, the field will say Base.

    Kaitlyn Batliner
    Senior Software Consultant

  • Joey Lynn Pinaglia

    Ah that makes sense, I added the components and it worked.  Thank you

  • Eric Swenson

    We have many composite spaces the consist of other base and composite spaces.  When we try to script functions we can only choose the either the main composite space or the base spaces attached to it and not the other composite space.  For example:

    Main Composite is is A and it consists of Room A, B, & C

    Room B has an A/V booth attached to it, so it's a composite space.

    When scripting functions we can only add A & C, but B is not listed as an option.

    Can this be fixed? 

  • Dave Segasture


    Without reviewing your actual configuration of the Spaces - I couldn't give you a firm answer. 

    Book a short call with your Consultant to see how that Main Composite was created. If it's made-up of Rooms A, B and C and I would assume a mix of combinations of those same Rooms "Spaces" - for example, AB, BC and AC along with Rooms A, B, and C then if you booked the Main Space, let's call it "Hall A" - then you should be able to select each of the individual Spaces when you're function scripting or adding Orders... meaning you should be able to select Hall A, Rooms A, B or C and Rooms AB, BC, and AC. 

    Configuration of Spaces when they're Composites can be complicated even for Consultants. 

    Book that call with your Consultant and the both of you should be able to sort it out. 

  • Michelle Herson


    Is Mark Fingerhut's comment from 5 years ago regarding the base spaces not appearing on the Event Bookings when the Composite space is booked still true today?  It is the second comment on this thread.  If so, is there any other way to have base spaces be booked when the composite space is booked?  Can the composite spaces be set up differently to make this happen?  Or, maybe use a package?  

    Thank you,


  • Dave Segasture

    Michelle:  I looked at our latest release and we currently only display the Directly Booked Space(s) in the Event Bookings screen and do not display any Indirectly Booked Component Spaces - when you book a Composite Space. 

    I looked to see if we might have any additional Columns, Settings, and Filters which might allow this, and at this time there aren't any. 

    Could you, as you suggested, Book a Composite Space as a Package where the Space Package included other "Component" Spaces, perhaps but I'm not sure how that would perform in practical application as you'd basically be actually Booking each Component which might present you with Rate issues. 

    I think your idea is an interesting one and I believe I've had others ask for something similar in the past, of course when you're Scripting your Functions, all Component Spaces are available for assignment to Functions and Service Orders when you Book a Composite. But the display of the Components on Event Booking isn't currently available.

    Goto the Community area for Venue in the KnowledgeBase and submit this idea as an Enhancement - let's see how many other clients etc. might like this idea and perhaps get it on the Product Roadmap for future functionality, where we might have an optional switch to display/hide the Component Space in the Event Booking Screen. 

  • Samuel Riggenbach


    My Question is: is it possible to convert a composite booking into single space-bookings?

    For example: we have an stadion with 41 backstage- and other rooms. If we book this (what's regulary) as a composite and some months later we'd like to exclude one/several spaces, it would be very handy, to convert this one booking into 41...

    Another example: we have worund 50 venues, especially school buildings, and most of them will be blocked during the vacations. When we want to "open" on room for a special client/booking, it would be good too, just to convert the booking instead of deleating it an re-book all the rooms except the one, that should be rented...


    I hope I could explain my request - thanks a lot for a reply..

    kind regards, Samuel

  • Dave Segasture

    Samuel: You cannot "release" any of the Component Spaces of a Composite Booking from the Event screen - but if you go to the Booking Calendar - Rt-Click on the Event - select "Release Booking" from the Menu - this will open a window where you can select Component Spaces and Release them from the Composite Booking. 

    Here's an image of my Flagstaff Rooms Space - which is a Composite - I booked it for Wednesday 22nd of 2023 from 11am - 6pm - and as you can see - I Rt-Clicked and Released the Flag 02 Room from the Booking - even though initially it was originally part of the initial Booking. 

    So the Answer is - From the Booking Calendar - Rt-Click on your Event and use Release Booking - to Release selected Spaces. 

  • Samuel Riggenbach

    Dear Dave - wow! that seems perfect! thanks a lot! 

    kind regards, samuel

  • Luqman


    I have updated a Base space into a Composite space by adding components. However, I wish to revert this back into a Base space. After removing the components, the space is still tagged as a Component. How can I update this?



  • Linda Moyer

    Hi Luqman

    Can you please raise a ticket with our support team (click Submit a Request at the top of the Support Center)? Please let them know which space this is, as that will help them troubleshoot. 

    Thank you,


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