
Function Classes



  • Lori Lee

    Can a function class also determine IF the function should or should not appear on the Online Registration site? We are trying to figure out how to not display one function from a list of functions on the registration site.

  • Danilo Bernal

    Hi Lori, thanks for your comment. The easiest way to handle this is using Function Groups, a feature that you can find within Form Template. You can select the grouping, control type to show (numeric, dropdown list, checkbox or radio button); and you can select functions to show using the custom option within Group By. Anything you do not select to show will be left out of public facing registration, although you can use it in backoffice registration. Hope this helps.

  • Lori Lee

    Can you describe what each of the classes mean?

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Lori,

    I've updated the article with a brief description of each function class. Each organization uses them to meet their own reporting needs but I've included how they are most often used.


  • Tony Costantino (DeBartolo Performing Arts Center)

    How does inserting functions and default classes work together? It seems whenever I insert a function, it inserts and inherits the same USAGE and CLASS from the function above. I'm finding that when I change the usage on the new function, the class does not update to what it should be defaulting to.
    For example, if I insert off a Date function (default class = date), and then change the new function to 'Performance' (default class = open), the class of this new function REMAINS as date. I have to save the event, double click the function to edit it, and manually change the class to 'open'.

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Anthony,

    You are correct that when you insert a new function, it will inherit the usage and class from the function above.

    Regarding the default of the function class and usage, when you select the new usage and you move off of the Usage field, the Class field will be updated with the default function class assigned to the usage. However, if no default function class has been assigned to the usage, then it will retain the function class it was assigned when the new function was added.

    On the Usages screen off the main menu, verify that the Performance usage has the Open function class assigned as the default function class. On the Functions screen, once you change the Usage, make sure you move off of the Usage field and the Class should then default to whatever you have configured as the default function class for the usage.


  • Amy Hartsfield

    I have a custom report that is feeding a function that is set with an Internal Function Class. The report dialogue box does not have Internal selected as a Function Class so I can't figure out what I'm missing. I set the Function Class for that particular usage, and it is filtering out other usages appropriately...but not this one usage. Any ideas what I might be missing?




  • Lauren Curd

    Hi Amy -

    You mentioned that this is a custom report you are running.  Have you tried running the standard version of this report to see if it is happening there as well?  If it is not happening there, it may be something within the custom report that our Tech Services team would need to take a look at.  If it is occurring on the standard report, you could send the event id and report sample to my email: lauren.curd@ungerboeck.com so that I can take a closer look at the report.



  • Missy Ivan

    Does anyone know if you are you able to apply access privileges to a function class? 

    I would like to use this functionality on the 'Private' class.  The intention is to limit who can see these functions which will hold sensitive information for finance reporting allow only specific users, not role based.



  • Maggie U.

    Hi Missy,

    There isn't an access privilege around function classes. You could try the Allow Function Modification By Coordinator privilege and create an "Internal Coordinator" that you assign to the function to limit access. Give that a try and see if that will work for your scenario.



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