
Cancel Service Order Items



  • Amy E. Baggott

    How do I then stop the cancelled item from showing up on the invoice?  If an exhibitor changes the size of his space, our accounting department says we have to cancel the original space item and add a new one with the new total space amount in order to maintain an audit trail.  The cancelled item still shows on the invoice, and it's confusing to the exhibitors.

  • Matt Tapley

    Hi Amy,

    The item should show up on the invoice as cancelled, which is how we hope to avoid confusion. Is it not doing that for you? If it is showing up as cancelled, but still causing some confusion, you may want to see about getting something custom created. Thoughts?

    Thank you,

    Matthew Tapley

  • Maggie U.

    Hi Amy,

    Before you cancel the item, you can set it to Internal. This will keep it from showing on the invoice. See this article for more information about internal service order items: https://supportcenter.ungerboeck.com/hc/en-us/articles/205695727-Internal-Service-Order-Items.


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