
Orphaned Accounts and Contacts



  • Mavis Yew


    How can we re-active the Event Sales account when it is Inactive?





    Mavis Yew


  • Katie Eisenbath

    Hi Mavis,

    If the account is Active in any other designation (Membership, Registration, Receivables), you can navigate to the account through that area (Member Accounts, Registration Accounts, etc.), Edit the Account, click on the Details tab, and change the Event Sales designation to Active.

    If the account is not Active in any other designation, you can follow the steps above to reactive the account in the Event Sales designation.

    I hope this helps!


  • Joanne Serra

    Hi Katie, I'm not sure where the "Purge Accounts link" is on the Main menu as I don't see it.  I need to make a Vendor in Accounts Payable that is "Inactive" back to "Active".  Can you tell me how to do this?  Thank you,



  • Inactive accounts are still available in the main account screens (you just need to change your options to include them).

    Only status "Not Applicable (0)" get moved to the purge/archived accounts window I think?

  • Joanne Serra

    Can you tell me where to find both the Main Account Screens where I change my options for the "inactive accounts" and also where the purge/archived accounts window is as I do not know where to access these.




  • Maggie U.

    Hi Joanne,

    If you are working in v20:

    To change the status of an account to Inactive, you can go to any of the accounts screens from the Main Menu.  If you search for Accounts, you can see the Accounts - Event Sales link for example.  You can also click the Accounts button from the Global Navigation Bar and this will open the Event Sales Accounts screen.  You can then use the steps in this article to make the account inactive:


    The Purge Accounts screen is found from the Main Menu.  If you search for Purge Accounts, it should be the only result that displays.

    If you are working in v19:

    To change the status of an account to Inactive, you can go to any of the accounts screens from the Main Menu.  If you click on the Event CRM menu option, you can click the Event Sales Accounts menu option on the right for example.  You can then edit the account and in the Status section on the right of the screen, update the drop-downs to Not Applicable.

    The Purge Accounts screen is available from the Main Menu in v19 as well.  Click on the Organization Administration option and on the right side of the screen, under the Administration section towards the bottom of the menu, you can select Purge Accounts.   



  • Maggie U.


    An update as I just realized there was a string of comments here - Lee is correct that only Not Applicable accounts are moved to the Purge Accounts screen.

    If your supplier account is inactive, then you can go to the Supplier Accounts screen and make sure your filters include Inactive accounts (by default they usually only have active accounts which is why you may not be seeing it).  Then you can search for the account you are looking for, edit it and update the Supplier designation to Active.


  • Ruby Liang

    Hi Maggie,


    Our company is currently using Ungerboeck V20. However, when I searched "Purge accounts" or "Purge" from the main menu, no results could be found. 

    If you could please help me with that? 

    Thank you


  • Maggie U.

    Hi Ruby,

    The menu option is called Purge Accounts (v19) and should be on the Main Menu. If you aren't seeing it, it may be because you don't have access to that screen. You may need to contact your system administrator to see if they can grant you access to this screen.

    Hope that helps!


  • Ruby Liang

    Hi Maggie,


    The issue has been resolved. Thanks for your help.


    Kind regards,


  • Asli Okur


    How can we purge accounts after v96, when v19 (Citrix) is disabled? In our tests with v96C I could not find any v20/30 option for it.

    Looking forward for a reply.



  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Asli,

    In v96 and after you will want to go to an account or contact and do the following:

    • Tools > Request Purge
    • On accounts purged process request now prompt click Yes 
    • Off Main Menu go to Account Purge Requests
    • On Account Purge Requests window you will see that your request is validating
    • Refresh page and your request will either have a status of purged or purge validation failed (if purge validation failed there will be a validation message stating why it cannot be deleted)

    Please let us know if you have any further questions.



  • Asli Okur

    Hi Ryan,

    Thanks for the fast response. What about restoring? This is actually what I need to do most of the time. I cannot even find in v30 the accounts which do not have any designation anymore. If I click on an archived account (for example a contact who is registered to an event, but then all designations were removed from the contact afterwards), it says it is archived and cannot be modified, but the view/edit account page does not even show up. So no clue how I can access tools pane on those accounts.

    In Purge Accounts (v19) I could recover designations, if needed. I see Purge accounts (v19) is still listed in v96, so I assume this needs to be done still in v19 via remote desktop connection?

    Thank you.


  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Asli,

    We looked into this further and found that the restore of archived and purged accounts process was missed in the conversion from v19 to v20/v30. A case has been entered for development and we will let you know when it has been resolved in .96.

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention.


  • Ryan Canny

    Hi Asli,

    My apologies development has confirmed this has been completed. In v20/v30 the Purge Account window from v19 has been renamed as Orphaned Accounts. Here are the steps needed to take in order to restore an orphaned account:

    • Navigate to Orphaned Accounts from the main menu
    • Right click and edit the account which you want to restore
    • Change one of the designation statuses to Active/Prospective/Inactive
    • Click OK
    • Edit Account screen open which confirms the restoring of account (Details tab will show the specific designation you just set it to)

    Please let us know if you have any further questions.



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