Feel free to contact us for any assistance you require when preparing a big project plan import from your existing data into WeTrack. Here, we'll run through the process that you should follow to ensure a smooth import.
For each of the following, you can download an example template from the Imports & Exports section of the WeTrack system. Admin users can find this by clicking on their avatar in the bottom left-hand corner of any WeTrack page, and navigating to Settings > Imports & Exports > Import Manager. Here, select the import type that you require. Check 'Add New [Item Type]' and download the template. You then return there to upload your completed file.
This is the order in which you should create data in your WeTrack system.
Make sure any Action Owners and Departments are already created in the system. If you need to add a whole list of users, import them in bulk, as shown here. Go here to learn how to import new departments.
Next, import your Projects. The only required field here is the Title, but there are other optional fields such as ref code, Project Manager(s), Department Lead, Privacy Status and due dates. If inputting your own, make sure that the Ref code is unique from any other project currently existing in the system. Full advice can be found here.
Third, if you want to use Task Groups, import them at this point, as described here. The only fields here are Title, and the Ref code of the Project in which they'll sit.
Finally, import your Tasks, as detailed here. The required fields here are a Title and the Project in which it will sit, but you can also input Start Date, Due Date, Task Group in which it will sit, Owner, Department, and much more. You can import Sub-Tasks at the same time.
The Imports & Exports section within WeTrack provides further instructions about the available fields.
Further notes:
When putting in multiple answers into the same field, for example, multiple users, or departments, separate the terms by semi-colons and without spaces: John Smith;Joe Bloggs, or COM;MKT
Make sure all information appears in your spreadsheet exactly as it appears in WeTrack – no typos!
Make sure all unused columns and rows are completely empty
Any further questions, get in touch using our live chat widget, found in the bottom left-hand corner of any WeTrack page. We'd be happy to help.
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