A log item is something that happens during your event that is expected and needs to be noted for future records.
The quickest way to add a Log is either in the Log List or Incident List, both are available from the left-hand sidebar. You can either type the log title in the text field at the top and press enter, or follow these steps to categorise them further;
Click 'Add Log'
Select a category this applies to - EG: Spectators
The title will auto populate to include the incident category and date, you can change this by clicking on the title field
By default, the log will be automatically assigned to the user creating it and their department/FA - both of these can be removed by unchecking the fields.
Select Enter to create the log as is, or Add Details to add a further description etc.
To add a comment, escalate a Log to an Incident, or archive a Log, click the 3 dots on the right-hand side of that Log's tile, and select the required option.
Alternatively, Logs can be added by clicking 'Add' in the top right-hand corner of the page.
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