You can credit payment plan steps that are already invoiced.
- Click the Payment Plan Invoicing link from the Main Menu. The Payment Plan Invoicing screen opens.
- Select the payment plan step to credit.
- Right-click and select Edit -> Edit Payment Plan. The Edit Customer Payment Plan screen opens.
- Select the Payment Plan Steps tab.
- Select the invoiced payment plan step to credit.
- Right-click and select Tools -> Credit. The credit is applied to the payment plan step and the credit step is added to the payment plan with a negative amount.
If you need to issue a revised invoice:
- Select the credit step.
- Right-click and select Tools -> Invoice. The Issue Invoices screen opens.
- Proceed with the invoicing process as usual. See Invoice a Payment Plan Step for invoice process details.
- After the invoice process is complete, revise the necessary orders and bill-to account information.
- To issue a revised invoice, return to the Edit Customer Payment Plan screen.
- Select the last invoiced payment plan step.
- Right-click and select Add -> Insert Payment Step. A new payment plan step is created with the same information as the previous step. Any changes to the orders attached to the payment plan are reflected in the new payment plan step.
- Issue the revised invoice using the Invoice a Payment Plan Step process.
Ungerboeck Knowledge Base Administrator
It was common practice to credit a credit line in payment plans, however, on trying to do this now, you get error that this cannot be done. Did something change?
Hi Theresa,
This is still possible. The message you have received is what we'd expect when the step that you are trying to credit was previously created as a credit from a previous step. If this is not the case and you have not resolved the issue, please log a ticket to contact Support.
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