
Registrant Type, Function and Merchandise Capacities



  • Rob Bodart

    The article references the ability to add “multiple items per function”.  Where does this functionality live, as I do not see anything within the add/edit registration function window that would configure that?  Perhaps I am misinterpreting the reference?  If so, any clarity that could be provided is appreciated.

  • Sean Tame

    Hi Rob,

    You need to ensure Organisation Parameter ER860 (Show Multiple Items per Function) is turned on.  I've no idea why it is so hidden to activate this.

  • Rob Bodart

    On an event with a limited capacity of 20, I have two registrant types.  Reg type A has a limited capacity of 15 with a maximum capacity type of "Event/Item".  Reg type B has a limited capacity of 5 with a maximum capacity type of Event/Item.

    After selling two seats in Reg type A, Reg type B is indicating that there are only 3 seats left.  The only way I can show that 5 seats still remaining in Reg type B is to change the maximum capacity type of Reg type B to "Item Only".

    I am just confused as to why Reg type B would do this on the Event/Item maximum capacity setting.  There are still 18 seats in the event, so I would think Reg type B would still show 5 seats available....from the way this article is written.

  • Mike Schepker

    Hey Rob,

    Are you by any chance using the same resource for both registrant types?



  • Rob Bodart

    Hi Mike,

    They use different resources.  The resources belong to the same class but have unique resource codes.



  • Mike Schepker

    Hi Rob,

    That doesn't sound like it behaving like it should. Please send us a case so we can take a look.



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