User Defined Fields (UDFs) can be configured as dependent fields in Momentus Enterprise. So when a response is provided for a user defined field, another displays with additional choices. You cannot use dependent fields with multi-select drop-downs.
For example, you may want to track a preferred airline and the preferred seating class. The first user defined field asks for the preferred airline. Then depending on which airline the user selects, the available seating classes for the airline are available for selection.
To configure dependent user defined fields, you need to:
- Configure the answers for the first question. In the airline example, this is the list of airlines such as American Airlines, Lufthansa, Emirates.
- Configure the user field for the first question. In the airline example, this is the Preferred Airline question.
- Configure the answers for the second question. In the airline example, this is the list of seating classes (First Class, Main Cabin, Economy).
- Configure the user field for the second question. In the airline example, this is the Seat Class question.
- Link the user fields and responses. In the airline example, this filters the seat class responses based on the selected airline.
Configure Answers for First Question
Create the answers for your first question in the Custom Field Validation Table Lists screen.
- From the Main Menu, search for and select the Custom Field Validation Tables. The Custom Field Validation Table List page opens.
- Click Add. The Add Custom Field Validation Table List page opens.
- Enter the necessary information:
- Description: Name of the answer list.
- Control Type: Select Drop-Down.
- Length: Number of characters for the longest option in the answer list.
- Select the Validation Entries tab.
- Click Add. The Add Validation Entry window opens.
- Enter the necessary information:
- Description - Answer that displays as an option in the drop-down.
- Display Line - Order the answer displays.
- Code - Unique code that does not display.
- Default - If checked, the answer is the default answer for the answer set.
- Click Save and Add New to save the answer and open the Add Custom Field Validation Table List window.
- Repeat steps 3-7 for all additional answers.
- Click OK when all answers are added.
Configure User Field for First Question
When you create the user field for the answers, this field is considered the Parent. In the airline example, it is the Preferred Airline question. This is referenced later in the process (Link User Fields and Answers).
Any field created is part of an overall UDF set. This set is created in the Opportunity Types page within the area you need the user field (Event Sales Accounts, Membership Accounts). See Configure Custom Fields/User Defined Fields (UDFs) for more information about UDF sets and user fields.
The below steps assume the UDF set already exists. If the UDF set does not already exist, follow steps 1-3 in the Create the UDFs (the questions) section of Configure Custom Fields/User Defined Fields (UDFs).
- From the Main Menu search for and select the Opportunity Types for the area of the software where the UDF set exists. The Opportunity Types page opens.
- Right-click on the existing UDF set and select Edit. The Edit Opportunity Type window opens.
- Click Add in the Custom Fields tab. The Add Custom Field window opens.
- Enter the necessary information:
- Description: Question or label for UDF which displays to the user.
- Type: Select Alphanumeric.
- Validation Table List: Select the validation list created in the Configure Answers for First Question section.
- Required: If checked, the UDF is required and you cannot proceed without entering or selecting a response to the UDF.
- Expand the Advanced section.
- Enter the following information:
- Database Field: Defaults to the next available field in the database. You can change this to another field if needed. You can only use each field one time. There is a limit to 50 fields per Type which require a database field. This changes dependent if using text, date or amount fields.
- Characters: Allowed number of characters for an answer. This will default to the Validation Table List character number after selecting this field.
- Allow Multiple Values: Leave unchecked. You cannot use multiple values (multi-select) with dependent user fields.
- Parent Field: Leave blank.
- Select the Display Options tab.
- Enter the following information:
- Bold, Italicized and Underline: If desired, check the appropriate check box to format the UDF description.
- Color: Text color for the UDF description.
- Display Line: Order the UDF displays on the page.
- Label Above Field: If checked, the UDF description displays above the textbox.
- Box Height and Box Width: Enter the dimensions for the UDF answer textbox.
- Click OK.
Configure Answers for Second Question
Create the answers for your second question in the Custom Field Validation Table Lists window using the same steps in the Configure Answers for First Question section. These are referred to as the Child answers. In the airline example, this is the list of seating classes (First Class, Main Cabin, Economy). You only need to enter each response once. For example, if First Class is a possible response for two different airlines, you only need to enter the First Class response once in the validation list.
Configure User Field for Second Question
This step creates the user field for the second set of answers you just configured. In the airline example, this is the Seating Class question. Use the same steps as in the Configure User Field for First Question section but make the following selections:
- Validation Table List: Select the validation list created in the Configure Answers for Second Question section.
- Parent: Select the field created in the Configure User Field for First Question section.
Link User Fields and Answers
Once you have configured the question and answer sets, you need to link them so the system knows which answers belong to each question.
- From the Main Menu, search for and select Opportunity Types for the area of the software where the UDF set exists. The Opportunity Types page opens.
- Right-click on the existing UDF set and select Edit. The Edit Opportunity Type window opens.
- Right-click on the custom field you added for your Second Question and select Edit. This will open the Edit Custom Field window.
- Select the Relationships tab.
- Click Add. The Add Custom Field Relationship window opens.
- Select an answer from the Parent Value drop-down and select a corresponding dependent answer from the Child Value drop-down. For example, the name of the airline is the Parent Value and the seating option for that airline is the Child Value.
- If desired, check the Default check box if the Child Value is the default answer for the Parent Value. You can only select one Child value for each Parent.
- Click OK. Repeat for each dependent UDF.
I'm trying to create a Parent/Child set of UDFs for Events, where the Parent is a Yes/No dropdown (or radio button), and the Child is an Event selection UDF for when the Parent answer is Yes, but since the Event type doesn't use a Validation table it doesn't seem I can assign a Parent to that Child.
Is there a step I'm missing? Or do both the Parent and Child have to be alphanumeric/validation table UDFs?
Thank you,
v20.8P, v20.9D
Hi Zak,
I believe that parent/child UDFs must always be drop-downs (which pull values from validation tables).
Based on my selection in the parent drop-down, the child drop-down will filter it’s selections accordingly.
Thanks, Carrie.
Can you think of any other way I can get an Event selection UDF to act as a Child to a yes/no parent question?
Zak, this would be an enhancement request.
Thank you!
Alowing Event-type UDFs in a Parent/Child relationship has been submitted as an ehanmcent request: ID #88395.
Is there an option to have the parent/child questions as adaptive as part of the registration process.
I.e. if someone selects an option in the parent UDF then this will trigger a child UDF to be asked, if they answer differently then this child UDF will not appear?
I can't see this anywhere so I am assuming this is an enhancement request.
Hi Andrew,
This is not something that is currently possible. I would recommend posting this request in the Registration & Conferences Product Ideas area. This is the best place to post ideas for future enhancements. Our product managers monitor these sections to help determine what features to potentially add to future versions of the software.
I am looking to use a parent field (yes/no) to go to a child field (not a validation list but a space to insert answer). Is this possible?
Hi Janae,
This is currently not possible but I can see how it could be really useful! There is a similar request in the Registration & Product Ideas forum that I think would meet your needs:
If this request is in line with yours, make sure you upvote it and if you have additional thoughts or feedback, add it to the thread so our Product Managers can see it.
I was wondering if Andrew's or Janae's enhancements were ever made available in the system.
We would definitely like to see what Andrew & Janae requested being added to the system also.
Please submit an enhancement request describing your use case. Follow the steps below to enter your request.
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